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CONTRIBUTORS MagdalenaAltamirano es doctora en literatura hispánica por El Colegio de México. Actualmente es profesora asistente en San Diego State University, campus de Imperial Valley. Su principal línea de investigación es la literatura española de la Edad Media y el Siglo de Oro, con especial énfasis en las manifestaciones de la literatura de tradición oral y en la interacción de esta con la cultura culta de las mismas épocas. También ha estudiado el corrido mexicano. Ha publicado numerosos artículos en revistas académicas y en actas de congresos arbitradas. En estos trabajos ha explorado aspectos relacionados con la antigua lírica popular hispánica, el romancero, El Quijote y el corrido mexicano. Emiro F. Martínez-Osorio (Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin) is Assistant Professor of Spanish at York University (Canada). His areas of research include epic poetry and Colonial Spanish American literature. He is currently working on a critical edition of the Discurso del Capitán Francisco Draque and a monograph about the relationship between Alonso de Ercilla’s La Araucana and Juan de Castellanos’ Elegías de varones ilustres de Indias. Jason McCloskey (Ph.D. Indiana University, 2008) is an Assistant Professor of Spanish at Bucknell University. His research interests include the work of Juan Boscán and the depiction of exploration and piracy in Hispanic epic poetry. He is currently working on a project that examines classical mythology and the portrayal of Ferdinand Magellan in historiographical and poetic texts. Ted E. McVay, Jr. (Ph.D. Louisiana State University, 1989) is Associate Professor of Spanish atAuburn University andAssociate Professor Emeritus of Texas Tech University. His field of specialization is Spanish early modern literature, having completed his dissertation on Góngora’s Soledades. He has articles on Garcilaso’s Egloga III, CALÍOPE Vol. 17, No. 2, 2011: pages 149-150 150 Contributors Juan de Jáuregui’s attack on Góngora’s aesthetics , and the use of mythology in drama and poetry. He was also the co-editor of Narrative and Consciousness: Literature, Psychology and the Brain (2003). More recent work has focused on Aragonese literature of the Golden Age, and he is currently preparing an edition of the complete works of the Zaragozan poet Juan de Moncayo y Gurrea. Stacey L. Parker Aronson is an Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of Minnesota, Morris. She earned her M.A. in Spanish at the University of Kansas and her Ph.D. in Hispanic and LusoBrazilian Languages and Literature at the University of Minnesota. At the University of Minnesota, Morris, she teaches all levels of language and literature. She conducts and publishes research on 16th -17th century Spanish Peninsular literature, particularly literature by women, and the literary representation of sexual violence. ...

