In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Horse Chestnuts
  • William Logan (bio)

The hard-polish, bank-floorsheen of horse chestnutsfall after fall showered us

with naval minesfertile in the gloom,each erotic as a Madonna

or the rosary beads of nuns.My shrine lay deep in the closetas the trees refused their vintage,

leaves baked in winter's air.In the dawn of March,I opened that armory

to a spring moldy with verdigris. [End Page 613]

William Logan

William Logan's new book of poetry, Rift of Light, will be published by Penguin in October. His book of new readings of canonical poems, Shelley's Wrinkled Lip, Smith's Gigantic Leg, will be published next spring by Columbia University Press.


