Linguistic Society of America
  • Language monitoring in bilinguals as a mechanism for rapid lexical divergence Supplementary Material

[Download MD] Language monitoring in bilinguals as a mechanism for rapid lexical divergence. Online supplementary materials: Read Me introductory file

This Markdown file contains information about the various files posted here, including instructions for installing the bldR package and code examples.

Please also see for further information and for updates to the materials posted here.

[Download PDF file] ] Language monitoring in bilinguals as a mechanism for rapid lexical divergence. Online supplementary materials: PDF documentation

This PDF file provides the documentation for the classes, methods, and data provided in the bldR package. Two classes (TensorAgent and PopulationSimulation) implement simulations at the level of individuals and of groups. The other class (L2017) creates the graphs as they appear in the Language paper.

[Download ZIP file] Language monitoring in bilinguals as a mechanism for rapid lexical divergence. Online supplementary materials: bldR package

This zip file contains the R package software. This includes DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files, along with subdirectories ./R, ./man, and ./data, which contain the package source code, documentation, and data sets, respectively. The top level files and bldR.pdf are described above. See for more information about R package structure.

T. Mark Ellison
Australian National University
Luisa Miceli
University of Western Australia
