In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Hume Studies Referees, 2015–2016
Lilli Alanen                   University of Uppsala
James Baillie                   University of Portland
Don Baxter                   University of Connecticut
Thomas Beauchamp                   Georgetown University
Jeffrey Bell                   Southeastern Louisiana University
Christopher Berry                   University of Glasgow
Lorraine Besser                   Middlebury College
Tim Black                   California State University, Northridge
Miren Boehm                   University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Bernard Boxill                   University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Deborah Boyle                   College of Charleston
Charlotte Brown                   Illinois Wesleyan University
Stephen Buckle                   Australian Catholic University
Kevin Busch                   University of Oxford
Annemarie Butler                   Iowa State University
Dario Castiglione                   Exeter University
Graciela de Pierris                   Stanford University
Karánn Durland                   Austin College
James Fieser                   University of Tennessee at Martin
Peter Fosl                   Transylvania University
Stephen Gamboa                   California State University, Bakersfield
Aaron Garrett                   Boston University
Don Garrett                   New York University
Lorenzo Greco                   University of Oxford
Alan Hájek                   Australia National University
Jani Hakkarainen                   University of Tampere
Mark Hanvelt                   Carlton University
James Harris                   University of St. Andrews
Yoram Hazony                   The Herzl Institute [End Page 297]
Kenneth Henley                   Florida International University
Marc Hight                   Hampden-Sydney College
Thomas Holden                   University of California, Santa Barbara
Yumiko Inukai                   University of Massachusetts, Boston
Michael Jacovides                   Purdue University
Sharon Krause                   Brown University
Esther Kroeker                   Antwerp University
Ann Levey                   University of Calgary
David Landy                   San Francisco State University
Michael Levine                   University of Western Australia
Louis Loeb                   University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Chris Lorkowski                   University of Akron
Emilio Mazza                    Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione, Milano
Neil McArthur                   University of Manitoba
Alison McIntyre                   Wellesley College
Kevin Meeker                   University of Southern Alabama
Elijah Millgram                   University of Utah
David O'Connor                   Seton Hall University
Jonas Olson                   Stockholm University
Gregg Osbourne                   Washington & Jefferson College
David Owen                   University of Arizona
Nicholas Phillipson                   University of Edinburgh
Charles Pigden                   University of Otago
Lewis Powell                   University of Buffalo, SUNY
Elizabeth Radcliffe                   College of William and Mary
Michael Ridge                   University of Edinburgh
Wade Robison                   Rochester Institute of Technology
Stefanie Rocknak                   Hartwick College
Andrew Sabl                   Yale University
Alex Sager                   Portland State University
Constantine Sandis                   University of Hertfordshire
Eric Schliesser                   University of Amsterdam
Frederick Schmitt                   Indiana University
Tom Seppalainen                   Portland State University
Richard Serjeantson                   University of Cambridge
Dejan Simkovic                   University of Notre Dame
Ryu Susato                   Kansai University
Jacqueline Taylor                   San Francisco State University
Andrew Valls                   Oregon State University
Rico Vitz                   Azusa Pacific University
Anik Waldow                   University of Sydney
Eric Watkins                   University of California, San Diego
Jennifer Welchman                   University of Alberta [End Page 298]
Christopher Williams                   University of Nevada, Reno
Andre Willis                   Brown University
Kenneth Winkler                   Yale University

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