In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • ContentsVolume 58

Number 1, Spring 2016

Creating a Park, Building a Border: The Establishment of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and the Solidification of the U.S.-Mexico Border Jessica Piekielek 1
Natural Resources and the Law in Hispanic Arizona: The Babocómari Ranch and the Living Legacies of the Gadsden Purchase Michael M. Brescia and Michael C. Meyer 29
The Struggle for Control of Irrigation Water in the Yaqui River Valley, 1908–1919 Esther Padilla Calderón 53
Good Hands and True Grit: Making a Ranching Identity Work in the Altar Valley, Arizona Lindsey Raisa Feldman 97
Ammon Hennacy and the Hopi Traditionalist Movement: Roots of the Counterculture’s Favorite Indians Brian D. Haley 135

Number 2, Summer 2016

Publishing the Southwest   v
Old World Meets New World: Biography of an Egyptian Collection in the Sonoran Desert Irene Bald Romano 189
O’odham Songscapes: Journeys to Magdalena Remembered in Song Seth Schermerhorn 237
Modesto C. Rolland and the Development of Baja California J. Justin Castro 261
Hidden Citizens: The Courts and Native American Voting Rights in the Southwest Matthew G. McCoy 293
“Lords of New Mexico”: Raiding Culture in Pre-Reservation Navajo Society Reilly Ben Hatch 311
Borderlands in Movies: Manliness, Violence, and Anglo Crossings of the U.S.-Mexican Border Janne Lahti 335

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Number 3, Autumn 2016

Special Issue

Tucson: A Place-Making

Publishing the Southwest Raymond Harris Thompson 359
Tucson: A Place-Making John Warnock 361

Number 4, Winter 2016

Narratives of Saintly Crisis Intervention in Sonora, Mexico Jim Griffith 617
Visions of a Liminal Landscape: Mythmaking on the Rainbow Plateau Lillian Makeda 633
It Flowed Like a River: The Pottery Knowledge of Mata Ortiz, a Genealogical Perspective Ana Livingston Paddock 697
Mata Ortiz: A Portfolio of Photographs / Fotografías Ana Livingston Paddock 707
Brotó Como un Río: Conocimientos de la cerámica en Mata Ortriz, una perspectiva a genealógica Ana Livingston Paddock 733
The Scandal involving San Antonio de Valero’s First Master Builder Mardith K. Schuetz-Miller 743
Nuevomexicano Cultural Memory and the Indo-Hispana Mujerota Ana M. Nogar and Enrique R. Lamadrid 751
Witch Tales of El Guache: An Ethnopoetic Analysis Carmella Scorcia 781

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