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  • Contributors

Ida Altman is Professor of History at the University of Florida. She is author, co-author or editor of books and articles on early modern Spanish emigration and the history of early Mexico, the Caribbean, and other parts of the Spanish empire. Her works include Emigrants and Society: Extremadura and Spanish America in the Sixteenth Century (1989) and The War for Mexico’s West: Spaniards and Indians in New Galicia, 1524–1550 (2010). Her publications on the early Spanish Caribbean include “The Revolt of Enriquillo and the Historiography of Early Spanish America,” (The Americas) and “Marriage, Family, and Ethnicity in the Early Spanish Caribbean,” (William and Mary Quarterly).

Gladys McCormick is Assistant Professor in Latin American and Caribbean History at Syracuse University. Her book The Logic of Compromise in Post-Revolutionary Mexico: How the Countryside Was Key to the Emergence of Authoritarianism is in process with the University of North Carolina Press. Her essay “The Forgotten Jaramillo: Building a Social Base of Support for Authoritarianism in Rural Mexico” is included in the edited volume Dictablanda: Politics, Work, and Culture in Mexico, 1938–1968 (2014), and she is co-author of an article on transnational history and gender analysis in American Quarterly.

Felipe E. Ruan is Associate Professor of Hispanic and Latin American Studies at Brock University, Canada. His research focuses on mestizo identity in early colonial Peru, and on the relationship between monarchical bureaucracy and knowledge and culture at the royal court in sixteenth-century Hapsburg Madrid. His work has appeared in Colonial Latin American Review, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Hispanic Review, and Cervantes, the bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America. He is the author of Pícaro and Cortesano: Identity and the Forms of Capital in Early Modern Spanish Picaresque Narrative and Courtesy Literature (2011).

James H. Sweet is Vilas-Jartz Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin. He is the author of Recreating Africa: Culture, Kinship, and Religion in the African-Portuguese World, 1441–1770 (2003) and Domingos Alvares, African Healing, and the Intellectual History of the Atlantic World (2011). [End Page 1]


