In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

NOTES ON OUR CONTRIBUTORS REv. DAVID A. DILLON, Ph. L., S. T. D., is Professor of Dogmatic Theology, The Saint Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. JoaN A. OESTERLE, Ph. D., of the College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn., is at present conducting research in Political· Philosophy at Louvain University under a Fulbright Research Award. MAx. CHARLESWORTH, Professor at Melbourne University, Australia, is pursuing further studies at the Institut Superieur de Philosophie, Louvain University. DoM GREGORY STEVENs, 0. S. B., published his first installment in our July issue. THOMAS V. FLYNN, 0. P., Ph. D., t.eaches philosophy at DePaul University, Chicago, Ill. REv. THOMAS PATER, S. T. D., Ph. D., is Professor of Fundamental Dogmatic Theology at Mount St. Mary's of the West Seminary, Norwood, Ohio. He is a contributor to The American Ecclesiastical Review. DoMINIC RovER, 0. P., S. T. L., is engaged in graduate study at Yale University. JoHN J. WALsrr, S. J., S. T.D., is Professor of Dogmatic Theology at Weston College. 564 ...

