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NOTES ON OUR CONTRIBUTORS DoM GREGORY STEVENS, 0. S. B., received his Licence in Sacred Theology at the Collegio San Anselmo, Rome, and the Doctorate at the Collegio Angelicum in that city. A contributor to THE THOMIST, he is at present engaged in studies in modern moral problems with particular application in the field of modern psychology. MoTHER M. C. WHEELER, R. S.C. J., is Mistress of Studies at the Newton (Mass.) Country Day School of the Sacred Heart. She received an M.A. in Education from the University of Detroit and an M.A. in Religious Guidance from the Providence College Summer School of Theology for Sisters. She has taught in various schools of her Institute. REv. WILLIAM R. O'CoNNOR, Ph. D. (Fordham) , is Professor of Dogmatic Theology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, Yonkers, N.Y., and guest Professor of Religion at Columbia University. He is the author of The Eternal Quest and The Layman's Call. Among others, he has contributed to THE THOMIST, The Clergy Review, The American Ecclesiastical Review, The Irish Ecclesiastical Rec~rd, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, The New Scholasticism, Thought, Theological Studies. URBAN VoLL, 0. P., S. T. Lr., S. T. L., received his M.A. from The Catholic University of America. At present he is Professor of Moral Theology at Trinity College, Washington, D. C. JoHN A. OESTERLE, Ph. D., is Chairman of the Department of Philosophy, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minn. He is author of the recent text, Logic, and a recent appointee to the Fulbright Research Award to conduct research in Political Philosophy at Louvain University during the forthcoming academic year. WILLIAM H. KANE, 0. P., S. T. M., Ph. D., is the Director of the Albertus Magnus Lyceum of Physical Science, River Forest, Ill. RoBERT L. CuNNINGHAM, Ph. D. (Laval), is an Instructor in Philosophy at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. 410 ...

