In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • About this Issue

Stemming from his days as George Forell’s student, Carter Lindberg has consistently expanded the horizon of studies on Luther’s social teachings, specifically on monetary matters as in the current essay. Originally a lecture at Concordia Theological Seminary (Ft. Wayne, Indiana), this presentation of Luther and money, including usury, makes several connections with current economic and political discussions. Lindberg, our original Book Review Editor, is retired from Boston University and lives at 113 Whitney Street, Northborough, MA 01532;

Ecclesiology remains contentious among Lutheran theologians. Welcome to Salomo Strauss, who wrote the book on the ecclesiology of Peter Brunner (Gemeinschaft mit dem Heiligen. Zur Ekklesiologie Peter Brunners; Neuendettelsau, 2014). Brunner, perhaps best known in English for Worship in the Name of Jesus (St. Louis, 1968), taught at Heidelberg for decades, worked with several Lutheran and ecumenical organizations, and developed an ecclesiology of the church as “God’s Communion.” Strauss is Pastor of the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Münsingen at Karlstrasse 32, 72525 Münsingen, Germany;

With 2017 now upon us (see also the Notes below), Hartmut Lehmann’s perspective on previous centennials is ever more valued, specifically here on Luther myths. As thrice before in these pages, and each time ably translated by Karl Böhmer, Lehmann’s historical interest in anniversaries and commemorations provides some balance amid the festivities, as did his Comment in our last issue. He notes that each era, including ours, has its own myths about Luther, although Lindberg may demur from one of Lehmann’s examples. Von-der-Goltz-Allee 2, 24113 Kiel, Germany;

Continuing our series on Luther in various languages (see the entries on Spanish and Finnish earlier this year), Ricardo Rieth documents the recent and current translation of Luther into Portuguese in Brazil. Rieth is the current president of the “Comissão Editorial de Obras Selecionadas de Martinho Lutero” and summarizes its work here. Otherwise, he is Professor and Vice President of the Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), Canoas RS; Rua Borges de Medeiros 495, Bairro Morro do Espelho, CEP 93030-200, São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil;

See the Notes for news about LQ Books and a digital timeline of LQ’s first thirty years. As always, the issue culminates with a full array of book reviews thanks to the editorial work of Mary Jane Haemig and Suzanne Hequet. As always for Winter, the issue ends with indices for the year past. For a full index of authors over all thirty years of Lutheran Quarterly, new series, see our website: [End Page i]


