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  • Our Contributors

Marco Bartoli is a professor of medieval history at the Università LUMSA in Rome. He studied with Raoul Manselli and is a specialist of historical religious studies in the late Middle Ages. His most important studies on Peter of John Olivi are: La caduta di Gerusalemme. Il commento al Libro delle Lamentazioni di Pietro di Giovanni Olivi, Edizione critica (Rome: Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, 1991); “Olivi et le pouvoir du pape,” in Pierre de Jean Olivi (1248-1298) pensée scolastique, dissidence spirituelle et société, A. Boureau - S. Piron eds. (Pa ris: Vrin, 1999), 173-192; Petri Iohannis Olivi Questiones de Romano pontifice (Grottaferrata (Roma): Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae ad Claras Aquas, 2002).

David Burr earned his B.A. from Oberlin College (1958), a B.D. from Union Theological Seminary (1963), and his Ph.D. from Duke University (1966). He spent his teaching career at Virginia Tech from 1966-2001, where he is currently Emeritus Professor of History. His publications include (in reverse chronological order): Angelo Clareno, A Chronicle or History of the Seven Tribulations of the Order of the Brothers Minor, translated by David Burr and E. Randolph Daniel (Saint Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2005); The Spiritual Franciscans (University Park: Penn State Press, 2001), Pierre de Jean Olieu: Franciscain Persécuté (Fribourg, Switzerland: Éditions Universitaires de Fribourg, 1997), Olivi’s Peaceable Kingdom: A Reading of The Apocalypse Commentary (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993); Petrus Ioannis Olivi’s Quaestio de Usu Paupere and Tractatus de Usu Paupere (Florence: Leonardo Olschki, 1992); Olivi and Franciscan Poverty (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989).

Oleg Bychkov is Professor of Theology at St. Bonaventure University, NY. His area of research is ancient and medieval aesthetics, theological aesthetics, and the texts and thought of John Duns Scotus. His most recent publication is the edition-translation of Scotus’s Parisian Lectures (Reportatio Parisiensis), Book 4, dist. 1-17. [End Page 405]

Anna Campbell (Ph.D. 2011, University of Reading). Doctoral thesis was The Career, Cult and Canonization of St Colette of Corbie, 1381-1807. I have subsequently published a number of articles on St Colette, and am currently working on a book of the thesis.

William Crozier is a Ph.D. student at the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, England. His PhD thesis explores St. Bonaventure’s thought on Christ’s consciousness and how it can be used as an interpretative tool for his views on Aristotelianism and philosophy.

Jacques Dalarun is Senior Researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research (C.N.R.S.) in Paris and a member of the Académie des Inscriptions. The 2016 recipient of the Franciscan Institute Medal from Saint Bonaventure University, he is a historian of the Middle Ages and a specialist in Franciscan sources.

Pietro Delcorno, Ph.D, is a Rubicon post-doctoral research fellow of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) at the Leeds Humanities Research Institute − School of Languages, Cultures and Societies of the University of Leeds. His actual research project entitles Crossing the Alps with Dante: Preaching Dante’s Commedia in Fifteenth-Century Europe. His research interests include late medieval and early modern preaching, religious theatre, medieval biblical studies, and late medieval social history. He published the monograph Lazzaro e il ricco epulone: Metamorfosi di una parabola fra Quattro e Cinquecento (Mulino, 2014) and is finishing a book entitled In the Mirror of the Prodigal Son: The Pastoral Uses of a Biblical Narrative (1200-1550).

Sophie Delmas is a doctor of history, teacher and associated member of the National Center of Scientific Research (C.N.R.S.). Specialized in the study of the mendicant orders, including the Franciscans, she published her thesis on Un franciscain à Paris au milieu du XIIIe siècle. Le maître en théologie Eustache d’Arras (Paris: Cerf, collection “History”, 2010). Member of the editorial board of Études Franciscaines, her research and articles focus on the political, religious and intellectual history from 12th to the 15th centuries. She recently published “Du modèle fraternel à la perfection mendiante. Les commentaires médiévaux sur les Actes 2, 44-47, VIe-XIVe siècle,” in Actes 2, 44-47. La communauté des...

