In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 58 / Index du volume 58
Adams-Quackenbush, Nicole. See/voir Ennis, Andrea R.
Adeyanju, Charles T. See/voir Oriola, Temitope B.
Alsbury, Brooke. See/voir Pei, Jacqueline.
Baron, Stephen W. Self-Control, Social Consequences, and Street YouthsAttitudes towards Police 502
Bérubé, Maxime. Tendances violentes de la droite radicale au Canada : analyses chronologiques et facteurs d’influence 221
Campbell, Mary Ann. See/voir Ennis, Andrea R.
Charette, Yanick. L’impact des expériences d’impunité sur les risques de récidive pénale
Comment on Estimating the True Rate of Repeat Victimization from Police-Recorded Crime Data. Simon Demers 598
Demers, Simon. Comment on Estimating the True Rate of Repeat Victimization from Police-Recorded Crime Data 598
Donatelli, Gavin. See/voir Weinrath, Michael.
L’enchâssement social et la délinquance des pairs. Carlo Morselli, Audrey Gariépy et Claudine Gagnon
Ennis, Andrea R., Peter McLeod, Margo C. Watt, Mary Ann Campbell, and Nicole Adams-Quackenbush. The Role of Gender in Mental Health Court Admission and Completion 1
Experiences in the Canadian Criminal Justice System for Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Double Jeopardy? Jacqueline Pei, Wing Sze Wence Leung, Fia Jampolsky, and Brooke Alsbury 56
Explaining the Frequency and Variety of Crimes through the Interaction of Individual and Contextual Risk Factors. Geneviève Parent, Catherine Laurier, Jean-Pierre Guay, and Chantal Fredette 465
Exploring Differences between Successful and Unsuccessful Mental Disorder Defences. Michael Gulayets 161
Fischer, Benedikt, Anca R. Ialomiteanu, Cayley Russell, Jürgen Rehm, and Robert E. Mann. Public Opinion towards Cannabis Control in Ontario: Strong but Diversified Support for Reforming Control of Both Use and Supply 443
Fredette, Chantal. See/voir Parent, Geneviève.
From Seeds to Orchards: Using Evidence-Based Policing to Address Canada’s Policing Research Needs. Laura Huey and Rose Ricciardelli
Gagnon, Claudine. See/voir Morselli, Carlo.
Gariépy, Audrey. See/voir Morselli, Carlo.
Guay, Jean-Pierre. See/voir Parent, Geneviève.
Gulayets, Michael. Exploring Differences between Successful and Unsuccessful Mental Disorder Defences.
Hayle, Steven, Scot Wortley, and Julian Tanner. Race, Street Life, and Policing: Implications for Racial Profiling 322
Huey, Laura, and Rose Ricciardelli. From Seeds to Orchards: Using Evidence-Based Policing to Address Canada’s Policing Research Needs 119
Human Rights and Federal Corrections: A Commentary on a Decade of Tough on Crime Policies in Canada. Ivan Zinger 609
Hyde, Carolyn, Voula Marinos, and Nathan Innocente. What Do Meaningful Consequences and Fair and Proportionate Accountability Mean to Youth Offered Extrajudicial Sanctions in Ontario? 194
Ialomiteanu, Anca R. See/voir Fischer, Benedikt.
L’impact des expériences d’impunité sur les risques de récidive pénale. Yanick Charette [End Page 635]
L’influence thérapeutique de la perception de justice informationnelle et interpersonnelle sur les symptômes de stress post-traumatique des victimes de crimes. Myriam Morissette et Jo-Anne Wemmers 31
Innocente, Nathan. See/voir Hyde, Carolyn.
Is Retail Alcohol Deregulation Correlated with More Crime and Traffic Injuries? Evidence from Canadian Provinces. Anindya Sen
Jampolsky, Fia. See/voir Pei, Jacqueline.
Jochelson, Richard, and Melanie Murchison. Measuring Activism and Restraint or How to Conflate Doctrine with Activism: A Response to Professor Riddell’s Small-Scale Judicial Output Study
Laurier, Catherine. See/voir Parent, Geneviève.
Leclerc, Chloé, and Pierre Tremblay. Looking at Penalty Scales: How Judicial Actors and the General Public Judge Penal Severity
Leung, Wing Sze Wence. See/voir Pei, Jacqueline.
Looking at Penalty Scales: How Judicial Actors and the General Public Judge Penal Severity. Chloé Leclerc and Pierre Tremblay
Long, Michael A. See/voir Lynch, Michael J.
Lynch, Michael J., Paul B. Stretesky, and Michael A. Long. A Proposal for the Political Economy of Green Criminology: Capitalism and the Case of the Alberta Tar Sands
Mann, Robert E. See/voir Fischer, Benedikt.
Marinos, Voula. See/voir Hyde, Carolyn.
McLeod, Peter. See/voir Ennis, Andrea R.
Measuring Activism and Restraint: An Alternative Perspective on the Supreme Court of Canada’s Exclusion of Evidence Decisions under Section 24(2) of the Charter. Troy Riddell
Measuring Activism and Restraint or How to Conflate Doctrine with Activism: A Response to Professor Riddell’s Small-Scale Judicial Output Study. Richard...

