In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Amato, Joseph A. The Book of Twos. Granite Falls, Minn.: Ellis, 2015. 318p., index, $29.95. Historical personages, texts, and events set as pairs and opposites to distinguish one set from another.
Axtell, James. Wisdom’s Workshop: The Rise of the Modern University. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2016. xx, 417p., bibl., ill., index, $35. Postwar US universities transformed a second time (the first was in adopting nineteenth-century German forms) from their roots in Tudor-Stuart Oxbridge and before.
Badiou, Alain and Marcel Gauchet. What Is to Be Done? A Dialogue on Communism, Capitalism, and the Future of Democracy. Trans. Susan Spitzer. Malden, Mass.: Polity, 2016. xvi, 155p., index. An extended debate over whether democracy can regain control of globalized financial capitalism.
Baltussen, Han and Peter J. Davis, eds. The Art of Veiled Speech: Self-Censorship from Aristophanes to Hobbes. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2015. vi, 328p., index, $79.95. Fourteen essays on word play and innuendo in concealing subversive views in antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Batchelor, Stephen. After Buddhism: Rethinking the Dharma for a Secular Age. New Haven: Yale UP, 2015. xi, 381p., bibl., index, $28.50. Buddhism as a culture of awakening, able to reinvent itself in a changing world.
Battini, Michele. Socialism of Fools: Capitalism and Modern Anti-Semitism. New York: Columbia UP, 2016. viii, 321p., index, $65. The liberal state and market usury as a Jewish conspiracy in the eyes of nineteenth-century Catholics, Christian Socialists, and nationalists.
Berger, Stefan and Chris Lorenz, eds. Nationalizing the Past: Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. xvi, 529p., index, $32. Twenty-two essays on the writing of national histories in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Blumenthal, Susanna L. Law and the Modern Mind: Consciousness and Responsibility in American Legal Culture. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 2016. 385p., index, $45. Early Republic judges struggle to reconcile common-sense notions of rationality with novel concepts of deviant behavior and disease.
Bowker, Geoffrey C., et al., eds. Boundary Objects and Beyond: Working with Leigh Star. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT P, 2016. vii, 548p., bibl., ill., index $38. Twenty-four essays on taxonomy, infrastructures, and methodologies in science studies as a posthumous Festschrift.
Brenner, William J. Confounding Powers: Anarchy and International Society from the Assassins to Al Qaeda. New York: Cambridge UP, 2016. xii, 276p., index. Also Genghis Khan and the Barbary pirates.
Cairns, John W. Law, Lawyers, and Humanism: Selected Essays on the History of Scots Law, Volume 1. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2015. xxv, 532p., [End Page 509] index, $100. The common law and feudal institutions and the reception of Roman civil law from Dutch sources in the eighteenth century.
Chaplin, Joyce E. and Darrin M. McMahon, eds. Genealogies of Genius. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. xi, 191p., ill., index, $30. Ten essays, mostly nineteenth century, on talent and ability (not innate qualities).
Chuanacháin, Deirdre Ní. Utopianism in Eighteenth-Century Ireland. Cork: Cork UP, 2016. xi, 260p., bibl., ill., index, 39. Nostalgia for a golden age and realistic discourses of improvement, self-reliance, and patriotism.
Cowie, Jefferson. The Great Exception: The New Deal and the Limits of American Politics. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2016. viii, 273p., ill., index, $27.95. The realignment of government and class relations during the Depression and World War II as a temporary solution not a permanent triumph of the welfare state.
Critchley, Simon. The Problem with Levinas. New York: Oxford UP, 2015. xii, 156p., bibl., index, $45. Mystical love as the answer to escaping the tragic fatality of being described by Heidegger.
Darwin, Charles. The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Vol. 23, 1875. New York: Cambridge UP, 2016. xlv, 799p., ill., index, $152. Insectivorous Plants, second editions, scientific news, and disputes with neighbors.
Deuchler, Martina. Under the Ancestors’ Eyes: Kinship, Status, and Locality in Premodern Korea. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard U Asian Center, 2015. xix, 609p., bibl., ill., index, $79.95. The origin and development of the indigenous descent group from the fifth to the nineteenth century.

