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ling indoctrination. The ABRM plays a variety of taped audio field recordings through two speakers, allowing the seedlings to experience the sounds of their future home. The Ocular Projected Auditory Constructor (OPAC) allows the seedlings to visualize their future environment through images projected on ground glass (Fig. 3). The images are displayed while stories interpreting the specimens ' past and forecasting their lives in the wild are played on the audio system. storytelling to teach young trees what they will become when planted in nature . The stories used are developed from technical field guides for specific tree species. During the first experiment with these prototypes, I concluded that a modus operandi was needed for the project's procedures; I therefore divided the project into six phases of tree teaching. The hypothetical phases represent a unique cycle of growth from seed to sapling. During each phase [11, stimuli differ dependent on specimen type, the stage of growth and the device being used. The individual phases of the modus operandi are as follows: Phase 1. The seeds to be germinated are gathered from existing tree species. Seed specimens, arrayed within the Reconstruction Modules, begin their conditioning with sound stimuli compiled from each specific project site. The stimuli include the taped sounds of native birds, animals, people, etc., and are intended as role models for the specimens. Recordings of narrative stories and folk tales about the species that are relevant to successful seedling introduction condition the seed specimens. Phase 2. The seeds are transferred to the OBAC unit, where the seed specimens are subjected to video imagery and artificial lights. On the video monitor above the germination table, video images depict the sky at the project site during daylight hours. Seed specimens receive UV light controlled by 24hour mechanical timers simulating actual day and night. Phase 3. The germinated specimens ' are transferred to the OPAC. While the speakers emit environmental sounds and stories, projected images of the seedlings' future project sites are displayed on the ground The ABRM is designed to use Fig. 3. TonyBellaver, WoodlandRecovery Project, 1994-present. Ocular ProjectedAuditory Constructor(OPAC)unit, fabricated metal,Plexiglas,electricalhardware,sound equipment,livingtree specimen (incense cedar), 1996. (Photo:Mr. Victor.)The OPACunitallowsthe seedling to experience its specific projectsite by viewing images of the environmentprojectedon groundglasswhile recordingsof stories play that interpretits past and forecast its life in the wild. glass to create a sense of place for the formidable youths. The sounds are similar to those used in Phase 1 and images are projected by way of film, slide or video. Phase 4. Seedling specimens are transplanted to half-gallon containers and installed into the ABRM. They are indoctrinated by narrative storytelling regarding the project site and information about the futures they will lead as adult specimens . Phase 5. Tree seedlings from Phase 4 are introduced to an environment such as a greenhouse or controlled outdoor site, where the specimens are allowed to receive natural light, conditioning them for the final phase. Sounds that were used in Phases 1 and 3will be played through a system of simulated tree inventions in the environment. These tree simulations are 15-ft-tall structures made of steel and pipe and designed to resemble the physical structure of a parent tree. The limbs, made of 2-in plastic pipe, have speakers at their ends that play taped nature sounds (animals and birds) to the tree specimens. Phase 6. Sapling specimens are transferred to their project sites for permanent stationing and a plaque is installed to commemorate each grouping's introduction to the site. Specific sites have not yet been determined , although some of the proposed sites are around the San Francisco Bay Area and in the nearby Sierra Nevada mountain range. Each year, I will travel to the sites and document each tree specimen for a period of 10years after planting. During the dormant season of 1997,I plan to introduce my specimens to individual sites as the culmination of my first experiment. For my second experiment , I will conduct a controlled experiment of coast live oak. I will divide them into five individual groupings of 10 specimens each. The control group will receive no stimuli in order to enable me...

