In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Far
  • Conor Bracken (bio)

After the shooting I movedto a beautiful city where the sunand the sea were dangerous

but loved and everyone livedbetween them. This is a storyof betweenness. This is an apartment

with furniture from the street,and this is me eating my mealson a blue vinyl chair, amazed

by the tapenade, enamoredof the bread, fascinatedby the clementines that come apart

like the heartof some poor beastwhose face, if I saw it,

I would caressbecause I do not recognize danger.I recognize chairs, and drag two blue ones

to the border of the sea.I swim away from them,alone and without sunscreen

beneath the indefatigable sunbut not too far. I don’t know dangerbut I’ve always known far

which right now is two blue chairs—empty except for their blue,far, but close together. [End Page 30]

Conor Bracken

Conor Bracken’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Chattahoochee Review, Handsome, Harpur Palate, Puerto del Sol, and elsewhere. Originally from Virginia, he lives, writes, and teaches in Texas, where he received his MFA from the University of Houston.


