In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Bird Watching
  • Sandra Kolankiewicz (bio)

The honest pigeon feels sick in the morning,   the news unhappy, head aching from the night

before, awoken by what at first felt like joy   but turned into dread as soon as it bubbled up

from that unappreciated darkness where   she was used. The forgotten canary can

only dream about being noticed, purpose   forgotten. He might as well be an Easter

bunny, as neglected as a risen Lord   every other day of the year but Christmas

unless he’s being blamed for singing, which he   does best and reflexively. Never mind the

crow, intelligent but ever discontent,   constant reminder of innocence gone for

ever, lifting off the carrion on the   road into a sky flat as asphalt, part of

the scenery, the inevitable. And   the uselessness of the dove! Dependent on

circumstances which have nothing to do with   him and which are beyond his control. Out in [End Page 124]

front, he can’t decide, has no defense, the whole   world an ark ever since the flood, surviving

afloat in space, supporting a few olive   branches for plucking if they aren’t stripped of leaves

in some camp, the most current means of stabling   animals, two by two no longer possible. [End Page 125]

Sandra Kolankiewicz

Sandra Kolankiewicz’s poems and stories have appeared most recently in New World Writing, Gargoyle, Fifth Wednesday, Prick of the Spindle, Per Contra, and Pif. Years ago, story of mine appeared in Appalachian Heritage. Her chapbook Turning Inside Out won the Black River Prize at Black Lawrence Press, and her chapbook The Way You Will Go is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.


