In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Subject IndexVolume 9

Aadhaar digital governance, 65

actor-network theory, 359

adoption network, 167

agriculture, 127

Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect (Chen), reviewed, 111

bicycle industry, 331

bioeconomy, 167

biomedical research, 233

bionetworking, 397

biopolitics, 65

bunmei kaika, 253

China, 23, 127, 397

Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History (Hinrichs and Barnes), reviewed, 429

clinical translation, 397

citizenship, 65

civilization and enlightenment, 253

Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking (Coleman), reviewed, 413

Coding Places: Software Practice in a South American City (Takhteyev), reviewed, 413

decentralized production, 331

Denmark, 1

dialogue-based science communication, 1

Drugs for Life: How Pharmaceutical Companies Define Our Health (Dumit), reviewed, 311

East Asia STS studies, 381

Environmental Winds: Making the Global in Southwest China (Hathaway), reviewed, 315

eugenics, 23

export of nuclear engineering, 295

Food, Sacrifice, and Sage Hood in Early China (Sterckx), reviewed, 217

globalization, 151

Gourmets in the Land of Famine: The Culture and Politics of Rice in Modern Canton (Lee), reviewed, 213

governance, 397

Gramsci, Antonio, 47

Green Revolution, 127

high-tech industry studies, 381

Hirata Oriza, 187

Hot Science, High Water: Assembling Nature, Society and Environmental Policy in Contemporary Vietnam (Zink), reviewed, 327

human resources for nuclear engineering, 295

human-robot interaction, 187

ideology, 47

immigrant faculty, 275

India, 65

Indonesia-Japan relations, 295

innovation, 331

intellectual cooperation, 295

interdisciplinarity, 187

international development, 127

in vitro fertilization, 23

latecomer thesis, 381

local government translators, 359

Japan, 1, 47, 187

“Kagaku būmu” no kōzō: Kagaku gijutu ga shinwa o umidasu toki〈科学ブーム〉の構造:科学技 術が神話を生みだすとき [The Structure of “Science Booms”: When Science and Technology Mythologize] (Gotō), reviewed, 425

Korea, 167

Marxism, 47

Meiji era, 253

migration, 275

Nature of the Beasts: Empire and Exhibition at the Tokyo Imperial Zoo, The (Miller), reviewed, 225

network of nuclear engineering, 295

nuclear power, 47

Nuklir Java [Nuclear Java] (Amir), reviewed, 229

one-child policy, 23

political economy, 47

production network, 167

public participation in science, 1

publishing, 253

Reconstructing Bodies: Biomedicine, Health, and Nation-Building in South Korea since 1945 (DiMoia), reviewed, 101; author’s response, 107

regulatory change, 397

Renzhi yu pingjia: Kexue lilun yu shiyan de donglixue (shang xia ce) 認知與 評價: 科學理論與實驗的動力學 (上、下冊) [Cognition and Evaluation: A Dynamics of Scientific Theories and Experiments, vol. 1 and vol.2] (Chen), reviewed, 221

research collaboration, 275

robot theater, 187

rural development, 127

science cafés, 1 scientific collaboration, 233 Seishin shikkan gensetsu no rekishi shakaigaku: “kokoro no yamai” wa naze ryūkōsuru no ka 精神疾患言説 の歴史社会学–『心の病』はなぜ 流行するのか [A Historical and Sociological Analysis of the Discursive Practice of Mental Illness: Why Did a Particular “Mental Sickness” Become Prevalent in a Certain Period?] (Sato), reviewed, 419

Seishoku gijutsu: Funin chiryō to saisei iryō wa shakai ni nani o motarasu ka

生殖技術: 不妊治療と再生医療 は社会に何をもたらすか [Reproductive Technology: What Is the Impact of Fertility Treatment and Regenerative Medicine on Society?] (Tsuge), reviewed, 91

social network analysis, 233

social studies of local technology, 381

sociotechnical imaginaries, 1

solar farms, 359

stem cell, 233

stem cell research, 397

symbiotic relationship, 359

tacit knowledge, 151

Taiwan, 127, 167, 187, 381

Taiwanese SMEs, 331

talent mobility, 151

technological change, 331

technological convergence, 331

technological society, 65

Technological State in Indonesia: The Co-constitution of High Technology and Authoritarian Politics, The (Amir), 95

technology, 253

technology diffusion, 151

Technology, Gender and History in Imperial China: Great Transformations Reconsidered (Bray), reviewed, 319

TFT-LCD industry, 151

translation, 253

transnational collaboration, 275

Unearthing the Nation: Modern Geology and Nationalism in Republican China (Shen), reviewed, 323

United States, 47, 127

vaccine industry, 167

Yangsheng yu xiushen: Wan Ming de yangsheng wenhua yu wenren shenghuo養生與修身:晚明的養生文化與文人生活 [Nourishing Life and Cultivating the Body: Writing the Literati’s Body and Techniques for Preserving Health in the Late Ming] (Chen), reviewed, 87


