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  • Contributors

roland boer is a professor of philosophy and religion at the University of Newcastle, Australia, and a professor of literary theory at Renmin University of China, Beijing. He directs the research program on religion, Marxism, and secularism. The author of many publications, he has most recently published In the Vale of Tears (2014) and, with Christina Petterson, Idols of Nations (2014).

carlos ferrera is an associate professor of modern history at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. His main lines of research concentrate on the links between literature and history, the role of literature (particularly theater) in the molding of liberal political culture, and the presence of utopian ideas in nineteenth-century liberal political and nationalist discourse. The following are of note among his publications: “Los juegos florales como forma de integración social y nacional en España y Argentina, 1859–1910” (Ayer 86 [2012]), “Segismundo Moret, Francisco Giner y la ILE” (in La Institución libre de enseñanza y el liberalismo español, ed. J. Moreno and F. Martínez López [Madrid: Fundación Francisco Giner de los Ríos, 2013]), “El viaje de ida y vuelta de un literato: Marcos Zapata, 1845–1914” (in Trayectorias trasatlánticas [siglo XIX], ed. M. Pérez Ledesma [Madrid: Polifemo, 2013]), “Los Lugares de Sociabilidad: Salones, Cafés, Sociedades” (in La creación de las culturas políticas modernas, 1808–1833, coord. M. Á. Cabrera and J. Pro [Zaragoza: Marcial Pons-Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2014]), and “Retórica y sentimientos en la revolución liberal española” (in El Poder de la Historia, ed. P. Díaz, P. Martínez, and Á. Soto [Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2014]).

hugo garcía has a Ph.D. in political science from the Spanish Open University (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia) and is an assistant professor of Spanish and modern world history at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has published The Truth About Spain! Mobilizing British Public Opinion, 1936–1939 (Sussex Academic Press, 2010), as well as more than twenty articles and book chapters on the history of propaganda, [End Page 428] international relations, political cultures, and social movements in interwar Europe, including “Potemkin in Spain? British Unofficial Missions of Investigation to Spain During the Civil War” (European History Quarterly, 2010) and “War and Culture in Nationalist Spain, 1936–39: Testimony and Fiction in the Narrative of the ‘Red Terror’” (Journal of War and Culture Studies, 2009). He is one of the co-editors of the volume Rethinking Anti-Fascism, 1922–45, under review at Berghahn Books in New York, which includes contributions by, among others, Anson Rabinbach, Michael Seidman, Tom Buchanan, Gilles Vergnon, and Enzo Traverso. At present he is working on the history of Spanish antifascism from a transnational perspective, as well as on the history of dystopian literature in modern Spain.

zhixiong li has a Ph.D. in literature and is an associate professor of comparative literature and supervisor of postgraduate students at the College of Literature and Journalism, Xiangtan University, Hunan Province, People’s Republic of China. He is also a council member of the China Marxist-Leninist Literary Theory Association. He is the author of Aristotle’s Classical Narrative Theory. From 2012 to 2013, he was an academic visiting scholar in the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Oxford.

david morris is a lecturer in English at the University of Illinois, where he teaches courses in literature, film, and rhetoric. His current book project examines the contributions of postsecular thought to the late twentieth-century utopian imagination.

florencia peyrou has a DEA in social and cultural history (Paris I–Panthéon–Sorbonne) and a Ph.D. in modern history (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). She works currently as a “Ramon y Cajal” fellow in the Department of Modern History of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Her research has focused on nineteenth-century Spanish democratic and republican political culture. On this topic she has published El republicanismo popular en España (Cádiz, 2002), Tribunos del pueblo. Demócratas y republicanos en el período isabelino (Madrid, 2008), and several articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Ayer...
