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Archives Note PUBLIC ARCHIVES OFCANADA (Ottawa,Ontario, K1AoN3) Historiansand other researchers will be pleasedto note that the UnionList of Manuscripts in Canadian Repositories is beingrevised,considerably expanded,and republished. It willbeavailable fordistribution inthespringof •975.The ULM, which isanational catalogue ofarchival holdings inCanada, wasfirstpublished in •968asa jointproject ofthePublic Archives ofCanada, theHumanities Research Council, and the Archives Section of the Canadian Historical Association. The new edition will list some3o,oooentriesrepresenting theholdings of all but a few minorrepositories. Because of thevastly expanded scope ofholdings of themajorarchives, whichnow include such areas asarts,business, labour,ethnicity, law,science, andsports, theULM willbeausefulreference toolnotonlyfortheprofessional historian butalsofor the artist,the sociologist, the geographer, the scientist, and other professional and amateurresearchers. It willplace attheirdisposal akeytotheexistence, location, and natureof allprimarytextualsources inCanadianarchivalrepositories thathavebeen reportedtotheULM. The LiteraryExecutors oftheMackenzie KingPapers haveauthorizedtheDominionArchivist toapplythethirty-year ruleof access totheKingDiariesinthecustody of thePublicArchives. Therefore,from • January•975thediarieswillbeopento researchers up to 3• December•944. Furtherannualportionswill beopenedon • Januaryeachyearuntil 1978.The periodfrom 1Januaryto 15November•948 (the dateof Mr King'sretirementasprime minister)will be openedon •6 November 1978.The LiteraryExecutors havedeferreda decision asto the availability of the diariesfor theperiodbetweenMr King'sretirementandhisdeathin 195o. TheNational MapCollection continues toexpanditsholdings inbothcartographical andarchitectural archives. The 'posterity' hydrographic chartsand BritishAdmiralty charts of Canadian waters have been transferred from the Canadian Hydrographic Service. The division's holdings of WorldWarI mapshasexpanded.It 508 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW now holdsthe BritishOrdnanceSurvey's new i:5o,oooseries;coverage for the southernportionof the countryiscompletedand the coverage for the northern portionisexpectedto becompleted by i976. A recentaccession of notefrom the CanadianNationalRailways featuresarchitecturalplansof stations, hotels,¾MCAS, round-houses, aswellastownplansand plansof railwayaccidents. Amongrecent purchases area 1596mapof North andSouthAmericabyTh/•odoredeBry;amap of theVillageof Preston, c i858, printedin Preston; anda Tremainemapof the Countyof Waterloo,186I. The division hassigneda contract withthe G.K. Hall Companyto reproducethe cardcatalogue of itsCanadianSection. The printed catalogue willprobably beavailable in 1975 -6. The Picture Division, Paintings, Drawings andPrintsSection, hasembarked onan educational slideprojectinco-operation withtheNationalFilmBoard.The purpose oftheproject istomakeworks ofartinthePublic Archives available asreproductions to students,teachers,and researchers in Canadianhistoryand art history.Two projects of 35mmcolourslides havealreadybeenpreparedfor distribution and otherseries areintheplanning stage. Eachofthese 'Archives Canada Series' revolves aroundathemeandisaccompanied byabookcontaining texts relevant totheslides. The firstseries of slides illustrates theworkof AlfredJacobMiller (i 8io-I874), whosewater-colours depictbuffalo hunts, Indians,and their nomadiclife ashe experienced themin hisjourneyto the RockyMountainsin i837. The textswere writtenbytheartistexpressly to accompany thesewatercolours. The second series, entitled 'ImageofCanada,' isaselection offortyslides derived fromtheexhibition of thesame namethatcirculated during1973-4-Several artists indifferentways depict theCanadianscene from i755 to i887. An accompanying bookcontains quotations fromtextsofthesame period,givingtheseries anaddedhistorical perspective. The 'ArchivesCanadaSeries'slidesand booksare availablethroughthe NationalFilm Board of Canada. During the pastyearthe section received a numberof interesting accessions, including anoilpainting ofT.C. KeeferbyGeorge Ernest Fosberry (i 874-196o);an albumpresented toPrincess Louise in 1882bytheschool children of Victoria, BC, water-colours, drawings, andphotographs ofVictoriaandvicinity; fourengravings, consisting ofportraits ofNicholas Leate, SirWalterRaleigh, andCapt.Beechey, and aviewoftheSiege ofQuebec fromHennepin's Voyages (1698);sixty-five water-colours andsepia sketches byPrincess Louise pertaining toherCanadian tours (i 879-82),as wellasEuropeanviews(•863-5); a water-colour of Spencer Wood,Quebec, by Princess Elizabethof Hesse-Homberg, donein i839; a charcoal portraitby an anonymous artistof a Mr Spratt,a RideauCanalengineer; twoportraits of Sir Mackenzie Bowell andLadyBowell byWilliamSawyer (i 82o-1889);acollection of twenty-three water-colours by MrsJoanna Wilson, dealing withtheKwakiutl Indians , showing in greatdetailcolourful headbands, button blankets, talking sticks, totem poles, house posts, mortuary poles. Theportraits ofvarious Indianleaders at AlertBayarebeautifully painted andofconsiderable historical value. PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OFNEW BRUNSWICK (POBox 6oo,Fredericton,NB,E3B5HI) The gradualcollection of business recordsat the ProvincialArchivesoverthe past ARCHIVES NOTE 509 few yearshasled to a currentwealthof documentation for researchers. While the verysizeandcomplexity of somecollections previously baffledbotharchivists and historians, theArchiveshasovercome mostof theseproblemsthroughthecreation of usefulfinding aids.The followingunits are of specialinterest:the Burchill CompanyRecords,South Nelson,NB, •84o--•960 (lumbering);the W.S. Loggie Company Records, Chatham,NB,•873-t 93• (lumbering,brickmaking, blueberries, merchandizing); theMaritimeElectric CompanyRecords,•9• 7-44; theNeil Stewart collection ofarchitectural drawings, •949-7•; theMichaelSamuel Papers, Chatham, NB,•83o--6o(merchandizing, lumbering); the Shawand EllisClamCompanyRecords , Pocologan, NB,•89o--•96o(shellfish processing); andtheTodd FamilyPapers, •87o-35(lumbering,horsebreeding). GLENBOW-ALBERTA INSTITUTE --ARCHIVES (90•-XXAvenuesw,Calgary,Alberta,T2R OE3) Recentacquisitions of particularinterestincludea groupof papers,photographs, andartifacts originating withSupt.K.V. B/•gin,NWMP, •88•--•9•O;copyof ajournal ofDugaldMacdonald Sinclair, describing histriptoandexperiences intheRedRiver area,•87ø- •9ø•, receivedfrom...

