In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Sheep Farmer Transmutes
  • Rachel Rinehart (bio)

Rachel Rinehart, poetry

The night he peels a buzzard off the grain truck,   wing askance, possum offal still streaking its craw,     his wife leaves him.

He bandages the buzzard with her dress,   invites it to drape its oily wing     over the great wide bed.

He dreams of making love to his wife,   of feathers where her legs converge,      and the hiss as his voice box leaves him.

For weeks the buzzard heals, fat with egg,   scratches out a nest in the bath.     He dreams there has been a mistake.

He cannot cry out for his wife, cannot name her.   The eggs crack in his likeness. Crouching     off the toilet, he vomits into their mouths.

Come spring, buzzard chicks follow the sway-backed ewes   perch on their rumps, grow larger,     wait for the lambing to begin. [End Page 461]

Rachel Rinehart

rachel rinehart’s poems have been published in Quarterly West, Third Coast, Harpur Palate, Folio, and Puerto del Sol and are forthcoming in Indiana Review. She received an AWP Intro Journals Award in Poetry in 2014.


