In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Review of Higher Education

Author Index to Volume 38

Indexed by issue number and

Aliyeva, Aida, 4:537

Baber, Lorenzo DuBois, 2:251

Berry, Matthew S., 2:221

Camacho, Maria Sayil, 3:397

Cowen, James, 3:425

Darolia, Rajeev, 4:507

Dietrich, Cecile C., 2:193

Drake, Timothy A., 1:1

Elrod, Susan, 4:479

Flores, Stella M., 1:1

Gardner, Susan K., 1:105

Gehrke, Sean, 4:479

Goldhaber, Dan, 3:425

Gross, Jacob P. K., 2:221

Hearn, James C., 1:71

Hora, Matthew T., 1:37

Hossler, Don, 2:221

Kezar, Adrianna, 4:479

Levin, John S., 4:537

Lichtenberger, Eric J., 2:193

Loya, Karla I., 3:359

Lozano, Jennifer Berdan, 3:397

Nienhusser, H. Kenny, 2:271

Potochnick, Stephanie, 4:507

Rhoads, Robert A., 3:397

Ro, Hyun Kyoung, 3:359

Rosinger, Kelly Ochs, 1:71

Sriram, Rishi, 4:565

Toven-Lindsey, Brit, 3:397

Turner, Caroline S., 3:333

Veliz, Daniela, 1:105

Ward, Kelly Marie, 4:589

Weerts, David J., 1:133

Winkler, Christa, 4:565

Zarate, Maria Estela, 4:589

Ziskin, Mary, 2:221

Title Index to Volume 38

“Considering the Interest-Convergence Dilemma in STEM Education,” 2:251

“Development of a Scale to Measure Academic Capital in High-Risk College Students,” 4:565

“Does English Language Learner (ELL) Identification Predict College Remediation Designation? A Comparison by Race and Ethnicity, and ELL Waiver Status,” 1:1

“Educational ‘When,’ ‘Where,’ and ‘How’ Implications of In-State Resident Tuition Policies for Latino Undocumented Immigrants,” 4:507

“The Effect of Gender and Race Intersectionality on Student Learning Outcomes in Engineering,” 3:359

“Embedded Neoliberalism Within Faculty Behaviors,” 4:537

“Evincing the Ratchet: A Thematic Analysis of the Promotion and Tenure Guidelines at a Striving University,” 1:105 [End Page 635]

“Exploring Faculty Beliefs about Student Learning and Their Role in Instructional Decision-Making,” 1:37

“How Much of a ‘Running Start’ do Dual Enrollment Programs Provide Students?” 3:425

“Implicit Theories of Change as a Barrier to Change on College Campuses: An Examination of STEM Reform,” 4:479

“The Influence of Campus Racial Climate on Graduate Student Attitudes about the Benefits of Diversity,” 4:589

“Institutional Merit-Based Aid and Student Departure: A Longitudinal Analysis,” 2:221

“Lessons from the Field: Cultivating Nurturing Environments in Higher Education,” 3:333

“The Massive Open Online Course Movement, xMOOCs, and Faculty Labor,” 3:397

“The Policymaking Environment of New York State,” 2:271

“Socioeconomic Diversity in Selective Private Colleges: An Organizational Analysis,” 1:71

“State Funding and the Engaged University: Understanding Community Engagement and State Appropriations for Higher Education,” 1:133

“Using Propensity Score Matching to Test the Community College Penalty Assumption,” 2:193

Book Review Index to Volume 37

Indexed by surname of first author.

Jeffrey P. Bakken and Cynthia D. Simpson, A Survival Guide for New Faculty Members: Outlining the Keys to Success for Promotion and Tenure (Neete Saha and Mark Kretovics), 2:324

Elizabeth Popp Berman, Creating the Market University: How Academic Science Became an Economic Engine (Ginger C. Stull), 1:188

Goldie Blumenstyk, American Higher Education in Crisis?: What Everyone Needs to Know (Kevin Kinser), 4:619

Derek Bok, Higher Education in America, (Todd C. Ream), 3:463

John M. Braxton, William R. Doyle, Harold V. Hartley III, Amy S. Hirschy, Willis A. Jones, and Michael K. McLendon, Rethinking College Student Retention (Alicia C. Dowd), 1:177

Sabra Brock, At the Intersection of Education, Marketing, and Transformation (Pamela L. Gustafson), 1:180

Chuing Prudence Chou, The SSCI Syndrome in Higher Education: A Local or Global Phenomenon (Jonathan Spangler), 2:326

Douglas E. Clark, Eisenhower in Command at Columbia (Jeffrey Alstete), 2:307

George Fallis, Rethinking Higher Education: Participation, Research, & Differentiation (Roger Pizarro Milian), 4:621 [End Page 636]

Tanya Fitzgerald, Women Leaders in Higher Education: Shattering the Myths (Kasey Neece-Fielder), 2:316

Lester F. Goodchild, Richard W. Jonsen, Patty Limerick, & David Longanecker (Eds.), Higher Education in the American West: Regional History and State Contexts (Allison L. Hurst), 3:467

Lester F. Goodchild, Richard W. Jonsen, Patty Limerick, & David Longanecker (Eds.), Public Policy Challenges Facing Higher Education in the American West (Allison L. Hurst), 3:467

Billy Hawkins, The New Plantation: Black Athletes, College...

