In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Laura Bieger is Professor for American Literary and Cultural Studies at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg. She has also held teaching and research positions at the Free University of Berlin, the University of California-Berkeley, and the University of Vienna. She is the author of Ästhetik der Immersion (2007), which looks at urban spaces that stage a perceptual conjunction of world and image, with an interest in the epistemological function of aesthetic experience. Her current book, No Place Like Home, develops a narrative theory based on the human need to belong and applies it to American novels from the late eighteenth to the twenty-first century.

Adriana Cavarero is an Italian philosopher and feminist thinker. She teaches at the University of Verona and focuses on philosophy, politics, and literature. Her books in English include In Spite of Plato (1995); Relating Narratives (2000); Stately Bodies (2002); For More Than One Voice (2005); and Horrorism (2009).

Brent Dawson is Visiting Assistant Professor of English at Davidson College. He specializes in English Renaissance literature and literary theory, with a strong interest in questions of globalization, gender, and sexuality. His current book project, The Baseless Fabric: Worldly Matters and Global Relations in the English Renaissance, looks at the importance of literary form to Renaissance conceptions of global systems.

Tim Howles is a doctoral candidate in the Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Oxford and Gosden Water-Newton scholar at Keble College. His research focuses on the religious implications of the thought of Michel Serres and Bruno Latour.

Richard Kearney holds the Charles Seelig Chair of Philosophy at Boston College. His recent books include Anatheism: Returning to God After God (2011), Carnal Hermeneutics, coedited with Brian Treanor, and Reimagining the Sacred, both forthcoming in 2015. He is director of the International Guestbook Project, “Exchanging Stories—Changing History,” at Boston College.

Bruno Latour is a professor of Sciences Po in Paris and has published extensively in the domain of science studies and more generally on the anthropology of modernism. His books include We Have Never Been Modern (1991); Iconoclash (2002); Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy (2004); Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy (2005); Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory (2007); On the Modern Cult of the Factish Gods (2010); and An Inquiry into Modes of Existence (2013). [End Page 187]

Andrew Piper is Associate Professor and William Dawson Scholar in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at McGill University. He is the director of .txtLAB @ McGill, a digital humanities laboratory that focuses on the computational study of culture, and the author of Dreaming in Books: The Making of the Bibliographic Imagination in the Romantic Age (2009) and Book Was There: Reading in Electronic Times (2012).

Elvira Roncalli is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Carroll College, Helena, Montana. Her special interests include the philosophy of Hannah Arendt, twentieth-century European thought, social and political philosophy, and feminist/gender theory. She is currently working on a philosophical study about women's participation in the Italian Resistance.

Jeremy Rosen is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Utah. The essay in this volume is adapted from his book in progress, Genre in the Marketplace: Minor Characters from Wide Sargasso Sea to Wicked.

James Ramsey Wallen received his PhD in Literature from the University of California-Santa Cruz, where he specialized in the history of the novel. He was awarded the 2014 Owen Aldridge Prize for an essay that will appear this year in Comparative Literature Studies. He is currently working on publishing his dissertation, Beyond Completion: Towards a Genealogy of Unfinishable Novels. [End Page 188]


