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  • Contributors

KOBI COHEN-HATTAB is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Israel Studies and Archaeology at Bar-Ilan University. His recent publications include: coauthor, Tourism, Religion and Pilgrimage in Jerusalem (London, 2014); “The Water Commission and the Emergence of a Zionist Maritime Culture in Early Mandate Palestine,” Israel 22 (2014); coeditor, City Reflected through its Research: Historical-Geographical-Cultural Studies of Jerusalem (Jerusalem, 2011); Tour the Land: Tourism in Palestine during the British Mandate, 1917–1948 (Jerusalem, 2006) [all in Hebrew].

ESTHER GRABINER is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Architecture at Tel-Aviv University. Her recent publications include: “The Double Urban Impact of a Model of Ancient Jerusalem,” Trans 17 (2009); “Workers’ Synagogues: Secularity and Religiosity in the ‘People’s Houses’ in Eretz-Israel,” Assaph 13–14 (2010); “Identity Shaping Landscape: People’s Houses in Eretz Israel as a Case Study,” Atiner (2013) [all in Hebrew].

JULIE GRIMMEISEN has recently submitted her doctoral dissertation to the Department for Jewish History and Culture at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, on “Pioneers and Beauty Queens: National Female Role Models in Early Israeli Society, 1948 to 1967”. She is author of “Günter Grass’ First Visit to Israel,” Münchner Beiträge zur Jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur 1 (2009).

YEHUDIT HENSHKE is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Hebrew Language at the University of Haifa. Her recent publications include: “On the Mizraḥi Sociolect in Israel: A Socio-lexical Consideration of the Hebrew of Israelis of North African Origin,” Journal of Jewish Languages 2 (2013); “The Contribution of the Hebrew Component in Judeo-Languages to the Revival of Spoken Hebrew,” Revue des Études Juives 172 (2013); “Biblical Citations in the Mishnah: A Characterization of the Biblical Text Witnesses in Medieval Byzantium,” Jewish Studies, an Internet Journal (2014).

HADAR LIPSHITS is a Lecturer in the Department of Politics and Government at Ashkelon Academic College. His recent publication include: “A More More Jewish and Democratic State,” Conversations 14 (2012); and [End Page 190] coauthor of “Jewish Religious Services Law—A Proposed Framework for Privatization Reform,” Bar-Ilan Law Studies 23 (2007).

BRENT E. SASLEY is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Texas, Arlington. His recent publications include: “Blogging Identities on Israel/Palestine: Public Intellectuals and their Audiences,” PS: Political Science and Politics 47.1 (2014), with Mira Sucharov; “Resettling the West Bank Settlers,” International Journal 66.4 (2011); “Affective Attachments and Foreign Policy: Israel and the 1993 Oslo Accords,” European Journal of International Relations 16.4 (2010).

REBECCA STEINFELD has recently completed her doctoral dissertation at the University of Oxford on “War of the Wombs: The History and Politics of Fertility Policies in Israel, 1948–2010” in the Department of Politics and International Relations.

YOTAM HOTAM is a Lecturer at the University of Haifa. His recent publications include: Modern Gnosis and Zionism: The Crisis of Culture, Life Philosophy and National Jewish Thought (London 2013); “Education and Religion in Israel: Blurring the Boundaries of ‘Secular’ and ‘Religious’,” in International Comparative Perspectives on Religion, ed. Charl Wolhuter (Bloemfontein, 2014), (co-authored with Philip Wexler); Space Theodyssey: Science Fiction, Religiosity and Education in a Post-Secular Age (Tel-Aviv, 2010) [Hebrew]. [End Page 191]


