In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Maya Allegre
  • G.B. Stepto (bio)

I awake to the blue onset of day, standing on the broken bottoms of my feet: the center of a great, green continent, at the waist of a Great Lake.

Today it is the lake and not the sky that is rolling in— and all these Stepto men and their silences in the hardest days since we buried Ann.

Maya, I hear in your voice —flutevoice!—the shining flip of a coin. It crescents above Michigan, the silent men and a sun that’s gone off,

forgetting us: a quiet family with each and every one bearing as middle name a name from the past. Enough with the ancestors! Maya—Maya

Allegre—you will be the one. Deliver us with flutevoice, whistled heart—deliver us to the time we could not make, though we were not wanting for wanting it.

G.B. Stepto

Gabriel Burns Stepto received the BA degree from Brown University and the MFA from New York University. He has also studied at Université di Bologna. He has previously published in Callaloo and Kenyon Review.

