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RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CANADA PREPARED IN THE EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT OF UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS BY PATRICK BRENNAN Thisbibliography is intendedto provideascomplete coverage aspossible of newly available material usefulin thestudyof anyaspect of Canadian history.In keeping with thediverse backgrounds andinterests ofourreaders, bothscholarly andwell-researched popularsources are regularlylisted. It shouldbe noted that itemsof a purely contemporary or speculative natureand lackingappreciable historical contentare normally excluded. Furthermore,accessibility considerations logically dictatethatany materials citedhaveappearedin published form, theses traditionallybeingthe sole exception. Suggestions for possible inclusion in RecentPublications arewelcomed and shouldbe forwardedwith the necessary technical informationto the compilerat the Canadian Historical Review offices. SeealsoCanadiana, a monthlylistof Canadian publications preparedbytheNational Library,Ottawa; International Perspectives; Journal ofthe Parliaments oftheCommonwealth, issued quarterly bytheGeneralCouncilof theCommonwealth Parliamentary Association ;andin the University ofToronto Quarterly, 'Lettersin Canada,' published in theJuly issue. Regionally-oriented bibliographies are includedin eachissueof Acadiensis, Bc Studies, andRevue d'histoire del'Am•riquefranfaise. MAandPHDtheses listed werereported asrecently completed in theRegister ofPost-Graduate Dissertations inProgress inHistory and Related Subjects (CHA) for thecurrentyear. Usersof thisbibliography shouldbearin mind that all titlesare listedonlyonce. Because of subject overlap,alternative categories should beconsulted. ABORIGINAL PREHISTORY, DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION EWERS, J.C.Hair Pipes inPlainIndianAdornment. Ohsweken, Ont., Iroqrafts,1986. PP.54,illus.$4.95 gLADMARK, KNUT. British Columbia Prehistory. Ottawa,NationalMuseums of Canada, 1986.Pp.15o,illus.$12.95 g•NCIS,DANIEL. Discovery ofthe North.Edmonton, Hurtig, 1986.Pp.224,illus.$•6.95 MANC•,E.TheHudson's BayCompany andtheManagement ofLong-Distance Trade, 167o-173 o.MAthesis, University of BritishColumbia •ID, BILL. Canoe: TheRebirth ofaHaidaGreat Canoe. Vancouver, Douglas & Mcintyre, 1986.Pp.96,illus.$16.95 SCHLESINGER, ROGER, and ARTHURSTABLER, eds.AndrdThevet's NorthAmerica:A SixteenthCentury View. MontrealandKingston, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1986.Pp. 256,illus.$30.00 TRIGGER, BRUCE G.Natives andNewcomers: Canada's 'Heroic Age'Reconsidered. Montreal andKingston, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1986.Pp.43o. $35.00 TUCK, JAMES A.LaPr•histoire des provinces Maritimes. Ottawa,Mus6eNationalde l'Homme/Mus•es Nationauxdu Canada,1986 RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CANADA 377 NEW FRANCE AND CANADA CHICOINE, EMILIA. La M•tairie de MargueriteBourgeoys hla Pointe-Saint-Charles. Montreal, Editions Fides, •986.Pp.388,illus.$55.00 C•.AVET, A•.AIN. LesPremi/•res Tentativesde productiondefer auxforgesdu SaintMaurice :lebas-fourneau de Fran•;ois Poulinde Frencheville (• 759- •734). MA th/•se,Universit• de Sherbrooke Ct•GGIA, G.LaPol•mique Franco-Anglaise concernant leslimites del'Acadie,•749- •753. MAth/•se, Universit• de Montreal cYR, j.-R.LesAcadiens delar•giondeMoncton, aspects d'histoire sociale, •698-• 88•. MAth•se, Universit• de Moncton DAGNAt•LT, G.E.Chapelles et Eglises du Vieux Monast/•re desUrsulinesdeQuebec: •639/• nosjours.MAth/•se,Universit•Laval GADOt•R¾, L. Une Famille noble en Nouvelle France: lesd'Ailleboust. MAth/•se,Universit • de Montreal GALLANT, MELVIN. TheCountry ofAcadia,trans.ElliotShek.Toronto, Simonand Pierre, •986.Pp.500,illus.$•4.95 JAENEN, CORNELIt•SJ. Education for Francization: The Caseof NewFrancein theSeventeenthCentury ,inJeanBarman,YvonneH•bert, andDonMcCaskill, eds.,Indian Education in Canada, Vol. I: TheLegacy. Vancouver,Universityof BritishColumbia Press,•986 JONES, ELIZABETH. Gentlemen and Jesuits: Quests for Glory andAdventure inthe EarlyDays of New France. Toronto,University of TorontoPress, •986.Pp.336.illus.$54.95 •cRoIx, ¾.LesOriginesde Laprairie, •667-•697. MAth•se,Universit•de Montreal LAVZIERCE, M.LeComportement devant lamortenNouvelle-France: Lecas delar•gion de Montreal. MAth•se, Universit• d'Ottawa LECLERC, J.-F.Un Aspect desrelations sociales en Nouvelle-France: Lesvoies defait danslajuridictiondeMontreal,•700- •760.MAth•se,Universit•de Montreal MACLEOD, P.D.The FrenchCampaignof •756 in the LakeOntarioTheatreandthe Siege andCaptureof Chouaguen. MAthesis, University of Saskatchewan NOEL, F•N•OISE.Seigneurial Survey andLandGranting Policies, inDonaldH. Akenson, ed.,Canadian Papers inRuralHistory, Vol.5. Gananoque, Ont.,Langdale Press, •986 OBJOIS, C.LesMeuniers danslaseigneurie del'Ile de MontrealauxvIII•me si•cle.MA th•se, Universit• de Montreal PEL•TIER,G.La Donationentrevifssous le r•gime franqais. MAth•se,Universit• d'Ottawa •'VBLIC ARCroVES OFCANADA. Taking Root:Canada fromß700to• 760.Ottawa,Canadian Government Publishing Centre,•986.Pp.3•5, illus.$34.95cloth,$54.95paper ROBERT, N.La Fabrique dela Paroisse Notre-DamedeQuebec de •645/• •68•: Contribution • l'histoire institutionnelle et socialeau xvne si•cle. MAth•se, Universit• de Montreal T•MB•¾, •. La Politique missionnaire dessulpiciens auxvneet d•but du xvnie si•des . MAth•se, Universit• de Montreal¾OVNG, •.A. MichelBegonandtheDirectionof Economic Policy in FrenchCanada from •7•5 to...

