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RecentPub Relating to ß ß hcatwns Canada PREPARED IN THE EDITORIAL OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS BY SUSAN ARMSTRONG Noticein thisbibliography doesnotprecludealaterreview;TBRfollowing anentry indicates areviewalreadyin preparation. SeealsoCanadiana, a monthlylist of Canadianpublications preparedby the National Library,Ottawa; External Affairs, published monthly bytheDepartment of External Affairs;Journal ofthe Parliaments ofthe Commonwealth, issued quarterly bythe General Council of the CommonwealthParliamentaryAssociation; and, in the University ofToronto Quarterly, 'Letters inCanada,' published intheJulyissue. Sections of thebibliography omittedfrom thisissue for reasons of space will be included in later issues. I CANADA'S COMMONWEALTH AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SINCE 1867 Canada's Involvement:The uNin the Middle East.Sentinel, 4, 1974,6-9 HUCUL^K, M.When Russia was inAmerica. Vancouver,MitchellPress,1974.PP-15O. $6.95 {;PO, N^TSTEIN,J. L.Canadaand Peacekeeping: imageandreality.Canadian Forum, Aug. 1974,14-19 RUPP,JOHN N.SanJuanBoundaryDispute.Sea Chest, vii, 3, March1974,lO6-2o TRORD^RSON, BRUCE. PostPearsonian Directions. Lakehead University Review, vI, 2, fall-winter 1973, 172-81 TROTTER, ^NN.The Dominions andImperialDefence:Hankey's Tour in 1934. JournalofImperial andCommonwealth History, n, 3, May 1974,318-33 II HISTORY OF CANADA General aRMSTRONg, ^UDREY I. Harness inthe Parlour: ABook ofEarlyCanadian Factand Folklore. Toronto,Musson, 1974.Pp.9o,illus.$4.95 RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CANADA 511 BROADLAND, BOB. A Man for all Missions: Willard ErnestIreland. Museum Roundup, 53,Jan. 1974, 9-14 FREEMAN, D.J.Guns,Guns,Guns.Atlantic Advocate, LXIV,8,April i974, 22-4 •IOUSTON, C.S.BirdsBy Hood.Beaver, summer1974,4-I I HUMPHREYS, BARBARA A.TheArchitectural Heritage oftheRideauCorridor. Ottawa, InformationCanada,i974. Pp. i59, illus.$5.oo IRWIN, PETRA, ed.TheCanadian Sports Almanac andDirectory. Toronto,CoppClark, I974. PP.3I4, illus.$2.95 KUBAT, DANIEL andDAVID THORTON. A Statistical Profile ofCanadian Society. Toronto, McGraw-HillRyerson, 1974.PP.xv,2oo.$3.95 MCLEOD, MALCOLM. EmpireBuilderatWork andWar: Daniel-Marie Lienard de Beaujeu,1711-55. Conservation Canada,i, i, 1974,16-2o PETHICK, D.S.S.Beaver. Vancouver, MitchellPress, 1974.PP.i6. $9.75 WONDERS, W.C. Athabasca Pass: Gateway tothePacific. Canadian Geographical Journal, LxxxvIII, 2,Feb. 1974,2ø-9 New France and Acadia ALLEN, ROBERT S.A Historyof FortGeorge,UpperCanada.Canadian Historic Sites, no I l, Ottawa,Ministiere desaffairesindiennes etdu nord, 1974,61-93 BOULLE, PIERRE.Patterns of French Colonial Trade and the Seven Years War. Histoire Sociale/Social History, vii, 13,mai/May 1974,48-87 ß , CARLE, PIERRE etJEAN -LOUIS MINEL, eds.,L Homme etl'HiverenNouvelle-France. Montr(•al,LesCahiersdu Quebec,i972. Pp.2o6.TBR CHARTRAND, R.LesdrapeauenNouvelle-France. Conservation Canada, i, i, i974, 24-6 DECHt'•NE, LOUISE. Habitants etmarchands deMontrdal au xvIIe sibcle.Montr&al, Les Presses delaCit&,1974.PP.588,graphs, tables. $12.5 o.TBR ELLIS, WILLIAM D.SixMinutesthatchanged History.American West, xI, 3, May 1974, 14-22. Battleof Quebec HARE, JOHN. La Population delavilledeQu&bec,1795-18o5.Histoire Sociale/Social History, vii, 13,mai/May 1974,23-47 FORTIER, JOHN. Patternsof Research atLouisbourg:The Reconstruction entersits Second Decade.Canada,i, 4,June 1974,I- 16 FORTIER, MAROET. The Development oftheFortifications atLouisbourg. Canada, i,4, June 1974, 16-31 KRAUSE, ERIC R.PrivateBuildings inLouisbourg, 1713 -1758. Canada, I,4,June 1974, 47-59 MOORE, CHRISTOPHER. The MaritimeEconomy of IsleRoyale.Canada, i, 4,June 1974, 32-47 MOROAN, ROBERTJ. andTERRENCE D.MACLEAN. SocialStructureand Life in Louisbourg ,Canada,I, 4,June 1974,6o-74 ZOLTVANY, YVES F.Philippe deRigaud deVaudreuil: Governor ofNewFrance • 7o3-• 725. Toronto,McClelland andStewart,1974.PP.242.$5.5o.TBR British NorthAmerica before •867 BEGNAL, REV. SISTER CALISTA. The Sisters of theCongregation of Notre-Dame, NineteenthCenturyKingston. Catholic Historical Association, StudySessions 1973, 27-34 CADIEUX, LORENZO, •d. Lettres des Nouvelles Missions duCanada, •843-• 852.Montr&al, LesEditionsBellarmin,•973.PP.943 512 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW JEWITT, JOHN R.TheAdventures andSufferings ofJ.R.JewittCaptive among the Nootka, ß8o3-•8o5 (fromtheEdinburgh1824edition).Introduction byDEREK SMITH. Carleton Libraryno76.Toronto,McClelland andStewart, 1974.Pp.15o.$3.95 GOURLA¾, ROBERT. Statistical Account ofUpper Canada. Toronto,McClelland and Stewart,1974.Pp.38o.$5.95 HURTUB•SE, PIERRE. Nijansi•niste, ni gallican,niultramontain: Fran•;ois deLaval. Revue d'histoire del'amdriquefranfaise. xxvIII, 1,juin 1974,3-26 ga•RR, CLARENCE. TheCanada LandCompany EarlyYears: AnExperiment inColonization •823-•843. Toronto,OntarioHistorical Society, 1974.Pp.xiii, 133,maps. $2.25 LAHAISE, ROBERT. L'H6tel-Dieu duVieux-Montrdal •64•-•86•. Montr6al,LesCahiers du Qu6bec,1973...

