In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Victorian Self-Image and the Emergent City Sensibility
  • R. A. Forsyth (bio)
R. A. Forsyth

Lecturer in English, University of Western Australia, Nedlands


1. C. Frankel, “Explanation and Interpretation in History,” in Theories of History, ed. P. Gardiner (Glencoe, Ill., 1959), 409.

2. J. S. Bruner, “Freud and the Image of Man,” in Freud and the 20th Century, ed. B. Nelson (New York, 1957), 278.

3. Quoted in London Quarterly Review, LIV (1880), 177.

4. Ibid., 178.

5. Glaucus; or the Wonders of the Shore (London, 1859), 15.

6. A. Wilson, “Human Resemblances to Lower Life,” Longman’s Magazine (1883), II, 45.

7. H. Read, in The Great Victorians, ed. H.J. & H. Massingham (London, 1932), 400.

8. Quoted, Ibid., 400.

9. D. H. Lawrence, “John Galsworthy,” in Scrutinies, ed. E. Rickword (London, 1928), 55.

10. See my article, “Evolutionism and the Pessimism of James Thomson (B.V.),” in Essays in Criticism, April, 1962.

11. See In Memoriam, sections XCIII and CXXIV.

12. Blackwood’s Magazine, CXXIX (1881), 256–7.

13. T. E. Kebbel, “Village Life of George Eliot,” Fraser’s Magazine, XXIII (1881), 275–6.

14. British Quarterly Review, LXXIII (1881), 346.

15. Ibid., 348.

16. R. G. White, “Rural England,” Atlantic Monthly, XL1V (1879). 242.

17. G. Rawlinson, Bampton Lecture for 1859 (London, 1859), 50–1; see also note 40, 338–9.

18. E. Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life (New York, 1915), 10.

19. W. Morris, “The Wanderers,” being the prologue to the Earthly Paradise (1868), in Selected Writings of William Morris, ed. G. D. H. Cole (London, 1934), 284.

20. W. Barnes, “Swift Bye Passings,” an unpublished poem among his papers in the Dorchester Museum.

21. D. Jacobson, No further West (London, 1957), 14–15.

22. G. M. Young, ed., Early Victorian England (Oxford, 1934), II, 290.

23. E. Darwin, “The Economy of Vegetation,” 1792.

24. J. Davy, ed., The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy (London, 1839), II. 318–19.

25. G. Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four (London, 1954), 271.

26. W. Wordsworth, Preface to the Lyrical Ballads, 1800.

27. W. Barnes, Views of Labour and Gold (London, 1859) 112–15.

28. The Prelude, V, 356–8.

29. A. Huxley, ed., The Letters of D. H. Lawrence (London, 1932), 300.

30. Quoted by R. Unwin, The Rural Muse (London, 1954). 167–8.

31. Ibid., 165.


