In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Canadian Poet’s Predicament
  • James Reaney


1. This article concerns itself with English Canadian poetry. When you read in French Canadian poetry that the skunk is “the censer of the cathedral woods” and that the angels when transporting the Garden of Eden through the air dropped it in the St. Lawrence River where it broke up into the Thousand Islands, you realize that to talk about the two kinds of poetry in this kind of article simply presents too many problems. However, some of the problems discussed here must be the problems of the French Canadian poet too so I have let the title stand as it is.

2. “La Tradition narrative dans la póesie canadienne-anglaise,” Gants du Ciel, XI, 18.

3. L. J. Chapman and D. F. Putnam, The Physiography of Southern Ontario (Toronto, 1951).


