In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

CONTENTS OF VOLUME 4 429 William of Melitona, 100 William of Ockham, 99 et seq. William of Orange, 71 William of Saint-Pathus, 48 William of Ware, 99 Wisdom according to Aristotle, 143 Wolf, Brendan, 95 Wolsey, Cardinal, 67 et seq., 70 et seq., 75 Woywod, Stanislaus, 185 Wuest, John B., 188 Wyse, Alexander, 62, 186 C O N T E N T S O F V O L U M E 4 ARTICLES page Boehner, Philotheus, O. F. M.: The Medieval Crisis of Logic and the Author of the Centiloquium Attributed to Ockham..................... 151 Campbell, Bertrand J., O. F. M.: Aristotle’s Natural Theology......... 134 Franzesi, Romuald, O. F. M. Cap. : Dogmatic Theology in the Ver­ nacular Sermons of St. Bernardine..................................................... 389 Gumbinger, Cuthbert, O. F. M. Cap. : St. Bernardine’s Unedited Prediche Volgari......................................................................................... 7 Gumbinger, Cuthbert, O. F. M. Cap. : St- Bernardine’s Case for the Doctorate............................................................................................... 371 Gutman, Harry B.: Nicholas of Lyra and Michelangelo’s Ancestors of C hrist................................................................................................. 223 Habig, Marion A., O. F. M.: The Works of St. Bernardine................. 229 Huber, Raphael M., O. F. M. Conv. : St. Bernardine and His Times .. 207 Lavallée, William, O. F. M.: St. Bernardine’s Preaching Technique .. 328 Learned, Mary R.: Saints’ Lives Attributed to Nicholas Bozon (Part I) 79 Learned, Mary R. : Saints’ Lives Attributed to Nicholas Bozon (Part II) 171 Learned, Mary R. : Saints’Lives Attributed to Nicholas Bozon (Part III) 267 May, Eric, O. F. M. Cap. : The Friendships of St. Bernardine of Siena 247 Mazzarella, Bernardine, O. F. M. : St. Bernardine of Siena, a Model Preacher ................................................................................................. 309 Meersman, Achilles, O. F. M. : The Franciscans of the Mother of God Province in Sumatra.............................................................................. 262 Mills, Victor, O. F. M. : St. Bernardine of Siena, Pillar of the Ob­ servance ................................................................................................. 121 Parsons, Anscar, O. F. M. Cap.: St. Bernardine, the Moral Teacher .. 341 Tallarico, Charles J., O. F. M. : The Apostolic Labors of St. Bernardine in Reviving and Purifying Christian F aith ...................................... 359 Walleser, Joseph G. : Staging a Tertiary.............................................. 63 Wolf, Brendan, O. F. M. : Local Attitudes Toward a Catholic College.. 89 Wyse, Alexander, O. F. M. : “ Hie Enquêteurs of Louis I X ............. 34 430 FRANCISCAN STUDIES BOOK REVIEWS PA G E Beard, Charles A. and Mary R., A Basic History of the United States.. 303 Bennett, Owen, O. M. C., Ph. D., The Nature of Demonstrative Proof according to the Principles of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas. .. 196 Brauer, Theodore, et alii,'Thomistic Principles in the Catholic School.. 107 Fearon, Arthur D., Ph. D., How to Think............................................. 109 Giordani, Igino, The Social Message of Jesus........................................ 104 Hofer, Rev. John, St. John Capistran, R eform er.................................. 112 Horkheimer, Mary Foley, and Diffor, John W., Educators’ Guide to Free F ilm s............................................................................................. 114 Kirkfleet, Cornelius James, O. Praem., The White Canons of St. Norbert. A History of the Premonstratensian Order in the British Isles and America................................................................................... 201 Koenig, Rev. Harry C., S. T. D., Principles for Peace. Selections from Papal Documents, Leo XIII to Pius X I I ............................................. 102 Lewis, Clive Staples, The Case for Christianity.................................. 195 Maritain, Jacques, Art and Poetry............................................................ 197 Maritain, Jacques, Education at the Crossroads.................................... 110 Maritain, Jacques, The Rights of Man and Natural L a w ..................... 198 McGarrigle, Francis J., S. J., Ph. D., My Father’s W ill........................ 298 McSorley, Joseph, C. S. P., An Outline History of the Church by Cen­ turies ..................... ................................................................................ 199 Micka, Ermin F., O. F. M., The Problem of Divine Anger in Arnob 'tus and Lactantius....................................................................................... 296 Mosquera, George, O. F. M., De Praesentia Reali et Transsubstantiatione EucharisticainTraditione Africana post Augustinum............. 302 Nute, Grace Lee, Documents Relating to Northwest M issions............. 294 O’Brien, John A., Ph. D., LL. D., The Priesthood in a Changing World ................................................................................................... 193 Olschki, Leonardo, Marco Polo’s Precursors.......................................... 301 Osbourn, James C., O. P., The Morality of Imperfections................... 106 Plumpe, Joseph C., Mater Ecclesia......................................................... 193 Putz, Louis J., C. S. C., Apostles of the Front U n es.............................. 299 Roemer, Theodore, O. F. M. Cap., St. Joseph in Appleton. The His­ tory of a Parish..................................................................................... 113 Shircel, Cyril L., O. F. M., The Univocity of the Concept of Being in the Philosophy of John Duns Scotus................................................... 295 Sturzo, Luigi, The True...

