Conference Program: Melville and the Mediterranean Seventh International Melville Conference 17-21 June 2009 École Biblique, Jerusalem
- Leviathan
- Johns Hopkins University Press
- Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2010
- pp. 79-84
- Article
- Additional Information
Conference Program Melville and the Mediterranean Seventh International Melville Conference 17–21 June 2009 École Biblique, Jerusalem Sponsored by The Melville Society with participation by ASTENE (Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East) and support by the English and Literature Departments of MIT, Stanford, and Yale 17 June Wednesday 08.45 Registration for Conference and Tours 09.30 Opening Welcome by Conference Chairs 10.00 Keynote Address Thomas L. Thompson (Professor Emeritus, U of Copenhagen) “Clarel, Jonah, and the Whale: A Question Concerning Rachel’s Missing Children” 11.00 Break 11.15 Session 1. Vision, Imagination, Reality and Text (Chair: Samuel Otter) Fiona Tomkinson (Yeditepe U, Istanbul), “Three Aspects of Jerusalem in the English Romantic Imagination” Ruth Kark (Hebrew U of Jerusalem), “Palestine/The Holy Land in the Decade of Herman Melville’s Visit (1850s)” Ada Lonni (Università di Torino), “Translating between Civilizations: The Dragoman in Clarel’s Nineteenth-Century Jerusalem” Carolyn Karcher (Temple U), “Projections of the Holy Land: Melville’s Journal through a Dual Lens” C 2010 The Authors Journal compilation C 2010 The Melville Society and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. L E V I A T H A N A J O U R N A L O F M E L V I L L E S T U D I E S 79 C O N F E R E N C E P R O G R A M 13.00 Lunch (courtesy of the conference; on or near the École grounds) 14.00 Keynote Address Amy Kaplan (Professor of English, U of Pennsylvania) “Transnational Melville” 15.00 Break 15.15 Session 2. Poetics and Clarel (Chair: Beverly Voloshin) Wyn Kelley (MIT), “Clarel’s Ensigns and the Ephemeral Text” Maki Sadahiro (U of Buffalo), “Poetics of Inoperativity: Modernist Projects in Herman Melville’s Clarel” Ilana Pardes (Hebrew U of Jerusalem), “Melville’s Song of Songs: Clarel as Aesthetic Pilgrimage” Robert K. Wallace (Northern Kentucky U), “Biblical Subjects in Melville’s Print Collection: An Inspiration and Analogues for Clarel” 17.00 Break 17.15 Session 3. Melville’s Journeys (Chair: Albert Aghazarian) Martyn Smith (Lawrence U), “Melville’s Philosophy of the Guidebook” Jesse McKnight, “Melville’s Journal Up the Straits: Temporary Madness as a Function of the Visionary Mind” Dorsey Kleitz (Tokyo Woman’s Christian U), “Melville, Pilgrimage, and Memory” Ivan Klein, “The Perils and Profits of Travel: Melville’s Journey to the Epilogue in Clarel” Simon Gibson (U of North Carolina, Charlotte), “Mark Twain, Herman Melville, and the Three Mediterranean Hotels” 18 June Thursday 09.00 WALKING TOUR: Haram-Al-Sharif; Old City Shrines; Melville’s Hotel (Starts at the École at 08.45 sharp) 13.00 Lunch (in the Old City) 14.30 Roundtable Discussion (Chair: Wyn Kelley) Samuel Otter, “Clarel in Perspective” Basem Ra’ad, “Learning and Unlearning” Hilton Obenzinger, “Holy Lands / Unknown Lands” Timothy Marr, “Clarel as American Reconstruction” Ruggero Bianchi, “Writing as a Metaphor for Living” 80 L E V I A T H A N C O N F E R E N C E P R O G R A M 15.45 Break 16.15 Session 4. Mediterraneans (Chair: John Bryant) David Schorr (Tel Aviv U), “The Mediterranean and American Conservationism” Rodrigo Andrés (Universitat de Barcelona), “Towards a Postcolonial Reading of Melville’s Last Work Set in the Mediterranean” Tony McGowan (West Point), “The Baffled Hunter and the Endless Sea: Why Melville Elides the Levant in Mardi” Yuji Kato (Tokyo U of Foreign Studies), “The Galapagos, the Mediterranean, and the Power of Enchantment: Herman Melville’s Wandering Narrations in “The Encantadas,” “Jerusalem,” and Billy Budd, Sailor” Yoni Shapira (Landmark Heritage Services), “ ‘The Holy Land Through Their Eyes’: Photography, Clarel, and Innocents Abroad” 19.30 Banquet, Garden Restaurant, Jerusalem Hotel 19 June Friday 9.00 Session 5. Judaism, Zionism, and Christianity in Clarel (Chair: Hilton Obenzinger) Linda Baeza (U of North Dakota), “God’s Search for Herman Melville: The Configuration of Judaism in Clarel” Molly Robey (Bridgewater State College), “‘Love, and His Love’s Jerusalem’: Zionism and the American Jewess in Melville’s Clarel and U.S. Women’s Holy Land Literature” Zachary McLeod Hutchins (UNC at Chapel Hill), “Miscegenetic...