In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index to Volume 29 (1995-96) Betcher, Gloria J. Billington, Sandra Carlson, Cindy L. Christensen, Ann C. Dundas, Judith Dunn, Catherine E. Eisenbichler, Konrad Evans, Robert C. Gámez, Luis R. Happé, Peter, and Wim Hüsken Hill, Elizabeth K. Hinden, Michael Hoegberg, David E. A Reassessment of the Date and Provenance of the Cornish Ordinalia . 436 Social Disorder, Festive Celebration, and Jean Michel's Le Mistere de la Passion JesusCrist ......... 216 Mary's Obedience and Power in the Trial ofMary and Joseph .... 348 Settling House in Middleton's Women Beware Women .......... 493 The Masks of Cupid and Death ..... 38 The Farced Epistle as Dramatic Form in the Twelfth Century Renaissance . . 363 Nativity and Magi Plays in Renaissance Florence .......... 319 Jonson and the Emblematic Tradition: Ralegh, Brant, the Poems, The Alchemist, and Volpone ....... 108 Mocking the Meat It Feeds On: Representing Sarah Churchill's Hystericks in Addison's Rosamond 270 "Sinnekins" and the Vice: Prolegomena .................. 248 Quarles as Dramatist ............ 168 Drama and Ritual Once Again: Notes Toward a Revival of Tragic Theory . . 183 "Master Harold" and the Bard: Education and Succession in Fugard and Shakespeare ........ 415 538 Index Hopkins, Lisa Kiefer, Frederick Leslie, Robert W. MacKenzie, Clayton Pronko, Leonard C. Scherb, Victor I. Simonds, Peggy Muñoz Truax, Elizabeth Wertheim, Albert 539 Speaking Sweat: Emblems in the Plays of John Ford ......... 133 Spring and Winter in Love 's Labor 's Lost: An Iconographie Reconstruction . 91 Shakespeare's Italian Dream: Cinquecento Sources for A Midsummer Night 's Dream .... 454 Questions of Identity in Contemporary Hong King Theater ............. 203 Trolls, Trills, and Tofu: Ibsen, Verdi, and Kabuki ......... 303 Liturgy and Community in N-Town Passion Play I ................. 478 "Sweet Power of Music": The Political Magic of "the Miraculous Harp" in Shakespeare's The Tempest . . 61 Emblematic Pictures for the Less Privileged in Shakespeare's England ......... 147 Euripides in South Africa: Medea and Demea .............. 332 Wortham, Christopher Wutrich, Timothy Richard Temperance and the End of Time: Emblematic Antony and Cleopatra 1 A Proposal for a Theater Museum: Staging the Fragments of Greek and Roman Drama .............. 466 REVIEWS SUMMER: Charles Segal, Euripides and the Poetics ofSorrow (Jerome Mazzaro); Jean E. Howard, The Stage and Social Struggle in Early Modern England (Susan Snyder); Marco Mincoff, Things Supernatural and Causeless: Shakespearean Romance (Grace Tiffany); James Howe, A Buddhists Shakespeare: Affirming Self-Deconstructions (Grace Tiffany); Robert Watson, The Rest Is Silence: Death as Annihilation in the English Renaissance (David Bevington); Guillermo Schmidhuber, El teatro mexicano en cierne (1922-1938) (Laurietz Seda); Errol Hill, The Jamaican Stage 1655-1900: Profile of a Colonial Theatre (Y. S. Bains). FALL: Rush Rehm, Marriage to Death: The Conflation of Wedding and Funeral 540Comparative Drama Rituals in Greek Tragedy (David Konstan); Olga Anna Dull, Folie et Rhétorique dans la Sottie (Peter Happé); Richard Schechner, The Future ofRitual (Timothy Light); David R. B. Kimbell, Italian Opera (Bernard Zelechow); Enoch Brater, The Drama in the Text: Beckett's Late Fiction (Kristin Morrison); Annabelle Henkin Melzer, Dada and the Surrealist Performance (James M. Harding); Shadi Bartsch, Actors in the Audience: Theatricality and Doublespeakfrom Nero to Hadrian (M. K. Thornton); Charles Ganelin and Howard Mancing, eds., The Golden Age Comedia: Text, Theory, and Performance (Ricardo Arias); Bert O. States, 7"Ae Pleasure of the Play (James E. Robinson); David Bruce Kramer. The Imperial Dryden (Luis R. Gámez); Tetsuo Kishi, Roger Pringle, and Stanley Wells, eds., Shakespeare and Cultural Traditions (Cynthia Marshall). WINTER: Robert C. Evans, Jonson and the Contexts of his Time (Peter Happé); Michael Shapiro, Gender in Play on the Shakespearean Stage: Boy Heroines and Female Pages (Ralph Berry); Pat Gill, Interpreting Ladies: Women, Wit, and Morality in the Restoration Comedy ofManners (Claudia Newel Thomas); J. R. Mulryne and Margaret Shewring, eds., Theatre and Government under the Early Stuarts (Robert C. Evans); Roy Battenhouse, ed., Shakespeare's Christian Dimension: An Anthology of Commentary (Margaret J. Arnold); Alan C. Dessen, Recovering Shakespeare's Theatrical Vocabulary (Grace Tiffany); Moe Meyer, ed., The Politics and Poetics of Camp (David G. Bass). CORRECTION: In Vol. 29, No. !,photographie acknowledgments were inadvertently omitted in the article by Elizabeth K. Hill. Fig. 1, a page from Francis Quarles' Emblèmes (1635), is by permission of the Folger Shakespeare Library...

