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Modern Judaism 23.3 (2003) C3

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Instructions to Authors

Articles submitted for publication should be from 5,000-10,000 words, written in English, and typed double-spaced. They may not have been previously published or be pending publication elsewhere. Footnotes should be used sparingly: to give sources or direct quotations, references to main authorities on disputable questions, and evidence relied on for a new or unusual conclusion. They should be numbered in one sequence and typed, double-spaced, at the end of the article. Contributors should submit manuscripts in duplicate with an electronic copy on 3 1/2" disk (Word preferable) and retain one copy for checking proofs. Manuscripts that are not accepted will be returned only if accompanied by return postage.

A stylesheet with instructions for the transliteration of Yiddish is available from the Editorial Office.

Offprints may be ordered by using the offprint order form that will accompany proofs.

Contributions, books for review, and other editorial correspondence should be sent to the Editor:

Professor Steven T. Katz
Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies
Boston University
745 Commonwealth Ave.
Room 540
Boston, MA 02215

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