In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Loleen Berdahl is an associate professor in the Department of Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewan. She has been studying Western Canadian regionalism, interprovincial relations and public policy for over a decade.

Marc-François Bernier est un professeur agrégé au Département de communication de l'Université d'Ottawa, l'auteur est titulaire de la Chaire de recherche sur la francophonie canadienne en communication, spécialisée en éthique du journalisme.

Serge Dupuis est un candidat au doctorat en histoire de l'Université de Waterloo. Il s'intéresse à l'histoire du Canada français et s'intéresse particulièrement aux relations entre le Québec et la francophonie canadienne et internationale. Il a publié des articles dans la Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française et la Revue du Nouvel-Ontario.

Jaleen Grove is a doctoral candidate in Art History and Criticism at Stony Brook University. Her area of research is in Canadian illustration history. In 2011 she was awarded the Norman Rockwell Museum Doctoral Fellowship, and she co-curated an exhibition, "Oscar Cahén: Canada's Groundbreaking Illustrator," at Illustration House Gallery in New York.

Daniel Johns is a senior investigator for the Alberta Ombudsman. He completed his Master of Arts degree in Western Canadian History at the University of Alberta in 2009 specializing in the missionary writings of John Hines.

Duncan Koerber is a sessional assistant professor in the Department of English at York University in Toronto. He is the founder of, an online bibliographic database.

Rebecca J. Mancuso is an assistant professor of History at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. Her general field of research is immigration policy formulation, and the consequences of policy, in the Canadian context. She currently serves as coordinator for the Canadian Studies academic program at Bowling Green.

Cherry Marshall holds an MA in Public Policy and Public Administration from Concordia University.

Stephanie Paterson is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at Concordia University, and is a member of the Centre for Research in Human Development and the Simone de Beauvoir Institute.

Philippe Villard est doctorant au département de science politique de l'université Concordia à Montréal. Il se spécialise dans l'étude des politiques publiques et de la politique canadienne, et ses recherches portent plus précisément sur les politiques aéroportuaires et les politiques du transport aérien en Europe et au Canada. [End Page 215]


