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Association Affairs The papers and abstracts included in this second volume of the "Yearbook of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers" were among those presented at the second annual program meeting of the association held at the University of Washington in Seattle, June 18 and 19, 1936. Howard H. Martin, Head of the Department of Geography at the University of Washington , served as chairman of the committee on local arrangements assisted by Dr. Frances M. Earle and Willis B. Merriam. Dr. Earle took charge of the noon luncheon on Thursday and the annual dinne¦¦· on Friday. Mr. Merriam assisted in conducting the field excursion around Seattle on Thursday afternoon . Interesting points studied on the field trip included: Lake Washington Canal and locks (largest north of Panama), Port of Seattle at Smith Cove and the downtown waterfront wharves, markets and shipping, cold storage warehouse , frozen fish aquarium fish packing, manufacturing establishments on the tide flats, Alki Point (site of flçst settlement), Fort Lawton, etc. Attendance at the program meetings totaled more than one hundred, including over thirty members of our association. Officers for 1937 were elected as follows : President — Howard H. Martin, University of Washington, Seattle . Vice President—Walter Redford, Southern Oregon, Normal School, Ashland, Oregon. S'ecretary-Treasurer — Hallock F. Raup, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. Editor of "Yearbook" — Otis W. Freeman, State Normal School, Cheney, Washington. Mr. John Leighly of the University of Californa at Berkeley constructed the cover design for the "Yearbook" that appears on this issue and donated the plate. Mr. Howard H. Martin of the University of Washington has been of much assistance in editing papers and abstracts published in the current "Yearbook." The 1937 Meeting The third annual meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers will be held in Denver, Colorado, in June, 1937, in conjunction with the meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. As this is the centenary celebration of that organization a number of special features are being arranged and a large attendance from all parts of the United States is expected. It is hoped that as many as possible of the members of the Pacific Geographers will plan to attend and contribute papers. Other geographers who are planning to be at the A.A.A.S. meeting and who are interested in presenting papers should communicate with the secretary , Dr. H. F. "Raup, or with the president, Dr. Howard H. Martin . The A.A.A.S. meeting1 is set for June 21-26 ; at a later date Dr. Raup will notify all members of the exact date for the geography meeting. (¿) ...

