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BOOK REVIEWS The Granulocyte: Function and Clinical Utilization. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, vol. 13. Edited by Tibor J. Greenwalt and G. A. Jamieson. New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1977. Pp. xiii+341. $30.00. For over 100 years the granulocyte has remained one of the most observed and easily recognized of human cells. Its role in the inflammatory response has long been noted, and granulocyte enumeration in the differential white cell count remains as one of the basic and most useful laboratory tests. In recent years biochemical functional rather than enumerative aspects have been increasingly studied and voluminous data accumulated. The biochemical complexities unraveled to date have led to better understanding and recognition of a variety of diseases associated with qualitative chemical defects. Progress in the blood-banking sciences has allowed for greater ease of production of the subcomponents of whole blood. Red cell and platelet transfusions are now accepted standard medical treatment. The development in recent years of techniques such as differentia! centrifugation and filtration leukapheresis has significantly increased our capacity to procure adequate quantities of white cells from normal donors. Leukocyte transfusions have become a reality and proven effective in reducing infectious complications in neutropenic patients. This book reports the proceedings of the Eighth Annual Scientific Symposium of the American National Red Cross held in Washington, D.C, in May 1976. It contains timely and welcome reviews by many of the foremost researchers in the field, embracing the basic structure, biochemistry, and clinical utilization of the granulocyte. The basic biochemistry and ultrastructure of the granulocyte are well discussed and present a concise overview of the mechanisms of development and differentiation as well as phagocytosis and the intracellular changes following bacterial challenge. The following section on function expands the basic concepts into well-ordered presentations of the marrow release phenomenon and the mechanisms of leukotaxis, phagocytosis, and intraleukocyte killing. The chapters by Drs. Douglas and Quie complete the basic metabolism sections with concise up-to-date explanations ofultrastructural and biochemical lesions affecting the qualitative response of the cell in such disorders as the Chediak-Higashi syndrome, protein-calorie malnutrition, chronic ganulomatous disease, and a legion of other disorders showing defective Chemotaxis and bactericidal activity. The presentations on the state of the art of collection and preservation of granulocytes underscores the difficulties that still must be overcome before the granulocyte makes its appearance on the shelves of all blood banks. The progress Permission to reprint a book review printed in this section may be obtained only from the author. 312 Book Reviews made in the past 10 years has been considerable. Unlike the red cell, the granulocyte does not store well in vitro, and some of our present knowledge and approaches to the problems are found in the section on clinical utilization. The clinical studies reported demonstrate the benefit of granulocyte therapy to the infected neutropenic patients. Unfortunately the capacity to procure granulocytes lags far behind the potential demand. Present methods of collection and storage must be further improved or we will soon be faced with the moral dilemma of having to deny patients an accepted treatment because of inadequate facilities and supply. The granulocyte has come a long way since Metchnikoff introduced his theory of phagocytosis to the world. This symposium is a valuable addition to the library of all, whether physician, surgeon, anesthesiologist, hematologist, blood banker, or basic scientist. John Fitzpatrick Roswell Park Memorial Institute Buffalo, New York 14263 Recent Advances in Surgery #9. Edited by Selwyn Taylor. New York: Livingstone , May 1977. Pp. xii+450. $26.50. Unlike its American counterparts (which appear with monotonous and often needless regularity), Recent Advances in Surgery #9, edited by Selwyn Taylor, is a British compendium that reappears after a hiatus of 4 years. Number 8 in this series was published in 1973 and contained excellent treatises on diverse subjects ranging from "Haemorrhoids" to the "Surgery of Civil Violence." Recent Advances in Surgery is designed to instruct and is presented as a potpourri of surgical topics each in the form of a syllabus. Taylor has again done a superb job of selection of subjects and essayists (Goliger on carcinoma of the rectum, Wälder on hyperbaric environment), and...

