In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

1979 THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting, October 18—20, 1979 Albuquerque Convention Center PROGRAM SCHEDULE Thursday, October 18 12:00—2:00 p.m. Luncheon — Western State Women's Studies Conference (Cochiti) 2:00—5:00 p.m. Workshops — Western State Women's Studies Conference A.Cochiti B.Nambe C.OPEN (Jemez) D.OPEN (Isleta 4:00—7:00 p.m.: RMMLA Executive Board Meeting (San Juan) 5:30—7:00 p.m.: Session I 1.Children's Literature (Navajo) 2.American Humor (Nambe) 3.Teaching: English Composition (Jemez) 4.Popular Culture, Session I (Isleta) 5.Letras Femeninas (Acoma) 6.OPEN (Zuni) 7:30—9:15 p.m.: Poetry Reading (Acoma) 9:30—10:30 p.m.: Film Showing: Mark Twain (Navajo-Nambe) Friday, October 19 8:45—10:00 a.m.: Coffee Available in Garden Level Registration Area 9:00—10:30 a.m.: Session II 1.American Literature to 1900 (Navajo) 2.Film (Nambe) 3.Other Germanic Literatures (Jemez) 4.Luso-Brazilian Literature (Isleta) 5.OPEN (Acoma) 6.Oral and Traditional Arts (Zuni) 7.Rocky Mountain Association of Departments of English (Tesuque) 8.OPEN (Cochiti) 10:45—12:15 p.m.: Session III 1.American Literature after 1900 (Navajo) 2.English Renaissance Literature (Nambe) ROCKY MOUNTAIN REVIEW99 3.Peninsular Spanish Literature (Jemez) 4.German Literature before 1832 (Isleta) 5.Career Information Services (Acoma) 6.Feminist Perspectives in the College Curriculum (Zuni) 7.Western American Folklore (Tesuque) 8.Women and Literature (Cochiti) 12:30—1:30 p.m. Luncheon: Women's Caucus (Santa Ana) Luncheon: American Association of University Professors of Italian (Montgolfier's Restaurant) 1:45—3:15 p.m.: Session IV 1 . Ethnic Studies (Navajo) 2.English Literature: 17th & 18th Centuries (Nambe) 3.Italian Literature (Jemez) 4.German Literature after 1832 (Isleta) 5.Linguistics: Foreign Languages (Acoma) 6.Teaching: English (Zuni) 7.Comparative Literature (Tesuque) 8.OPEN (Cochiti) 3:30—5:00 p.m.: Session V 1 . English I: Old and Middle English (Navajo) 2.English Literature after 1800 (Nambe) 3.Spanish American Literature (Jemez) 4.Slavic & Eastern European Literature (Isleta) 5.Linguistics: English (Acoma) 6.Teaching: Foreign Languages (Zuni) 7.Classical Literature (Tesuque) 8.Popular Culture, Session II (Cochiti) 5:30—7:30 p.m. Wine & Cheese Function: College English Association (Apache) No Host Cocktails (Personality Lounge) 8:00—10:00 p.m.: Banquet (Picuris-Sandia) 10:00—11:30 p.m.: Film Showing (Santo Domingo) Saturday, October 20 8:45—10:00 a.m.: Coffee Available in Garden Level Registration Area 9:00—10:30 a.m.: Session VI 1.Science Fiction (Navajo) 2.Literary Criticism (Nambe) 3.French Literature before 1800 (Jemez) 4.Slavic Teaching Methodology (Isleta) 5.Teaching: Junior & Community Colleges (Acoma) 6.Mormon Letters Association (Zuni) 7.French Canadian Literature, Session I (Tesuque) 8.Film Showing (Cochiti) 10:45—12:15 p.m.: Session VII 1 . American Indian Literature (Acoma) 100VOL. 33, No. 3 — CONVENTION ISSUE, 1979 2.French Literature after 1800 (Zuni) 3.Linguistics: Slavic (Navajo) 4.Editors' Panel (Council of Learned Journals) (Isleta) 5.Literature and the Other Arts (Jemez) 6.Seminar: Frank Waters (Nambe) 7.French Canadian Literature, Session II (Tesuque) 1:45—3:15 p.m.: Session VIII 1 . Colonial American Literature (Jemez) 2.Research and Methodology in Latin American Literature (Isleta) 3.Rocky Mountain American Dialect Society (Navajo) 4.Computers in Language and Literature (Nambe) 3:30—5:00 p.m.: RMMLA Business Meeting (Jemez) OTHER INFORMATION I. All meeting rooms are in the downstairs "Garden Level" of the Albuquerque Convention Center. This area is linked to the Albuquerque Inn by a short tunnel. II. Registration will take place in the Garden Level. III.The book exhibits will be located in the Garden Level, near the registration center. IV.Parking is available across the street from the Convention Center and also in an underground parking facility linked to the Convention Center. V. A shuttle service will be provided from the Convention Center to the University of New Mexico and Old Town. Check at registration desk for times and sign-up. ROCKY MOUNTAIN REVIEW101 ...

