In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Amoros, Leon, O.F.M., La significación de Juan Duns Escoto en la historia del Dogma de la Immaculada Conception, 119 pp.; Madrid: Verdad y Vida, 1956. Bernard, Paul P., Heresy in Fourteenth Century Austria, Reprinted for private circulation from Medievalia et Humanística, fac. 10, 1956, pp. 50—63. Bonaventure, Saint, Itinerarium mentis in Deum, With an Introduction, Translation and Commentary by Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M. (Works of Saint Bonaventure, vol.11), 132 pp.; St. Bonaventure, N. Y.: Francican Institute, 1956. Clamer, ?., L'Exode traduit et commenté (La Sainte Bible, Tome I, 2e Partie), 303 pp.; Paris: Letouzey et Ané, 1956. Deferrari, Roy J. and Sister M. Inviolata Barry, A Complete Index of the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas Aquinas, IX—386 pp. ; [Washington , D. C: The Catholic University of America Press, 1956]. Dyer, George J., The Denial of Limbo and the Jansenist Controversy (Pontif. Facultas Theologica Seminarii S. Mariae ad Lacum, Dissertationes ad Lauream, 24), XI—199 pp.; Mundelein, Illinois: S. Mary on the Lake Seminary, 1955. Fehringer, Alfons, Klöster in nichteigenen Anstalten. Eine kirchenrechtliche Untersuchung über die Anvertrauung von Anstalten an klösterliche Verbände, 59 pp. ; Paderborn : Ferdinand Schöningh, 1956. Gannon, John Mark, Talks to Youth and Occasional Sermons, X—182 pp. ; Erie, Pa.: Department of Education of the Diocese of Erie, 1956. Goblet d'AlvieUa, Eugene, The Migration of Symbols, XXV—277 pp. ; New York: University Books, Inc., 1956. Gutiérrez, David, O. E. S. A., De antiquis ordinis eremitarum sancti Augustini, reprinted from Analecta Augustiniana, XXIII (1954), 164—372 pp. Hegener, Mark, St. Francis of Assist the Poverello, 92 pp; [Chicago: Franciscan Herald and Forum Press, 1956]. 309 310Books Received Laureilhe, M. Th., Saint Dominique et ses Fils. Textes choisis, traduits et annotés (Textes pour l'Histoire Sacrée), 287 pp.; Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, [1956]. Lohkamp, Nicholas, O.F.M., The Morality of Hysterectomy Operations (The Catholic University of America, Studies in Sacred Theology, Second Series, No. 92), XI—206 pp. ; Washington, D. C. : The Cathohc University of America Press, 1956. MacClintock, Stuart, Perversity and Error. Studies on the "Averroist" John of Jandun, VIII—204; Bloomington: Indiana University Press, [1956]. Malo, A. M., O.F.M., L'Epopée inachevée de nos Lieux Saints, XI—368 pp.; Montréal: Editions Franciscaines, 1955. Malo, A. M., O.F.M., L'Economie divine dans la Révélation Biblique de l'Immaculée Conception, reprint from Virgo Immaculata vol. Ill, 151—173 PPM üUer, Gerhard, Zum Recht des Ordensvertrages. Eine Untersuchung über die Rechtsverhältnisse der krankenpflegenden Orden zu den nicht in ihrem Eigentum stehenden Krankenhäusern, 64 pp. ; Paderborn : Ferdinand Schöningh, 1956. Müller, Liguori G., O.F.M., The De haeresibus of Saint Augustine. A Translation with an Introduction and Commentary (The Catholic University of America, Patristic Studies, vol.90), XIX—229pp.; Washington, D. C. : The CathoUc University of America Press, 1956. Romb, Anselm M., O.F.M.Conv., Mission to Cathay. The Biography of Blessed Odoric of Pordenone, X—153 pp. ; Paterson, N. J. : St. Anthony Guild Press, 1956. Rubert y Candau, José M., Fundamento constitutivo de la Moral, 216 pp.; Madrid: Ediciones "Verdad y Vida," 1956. Smith, Gerard, S. J., The Truth that Frees. The Aquinas Lecture, 1956, [IX—]79 pp. ; Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1956. Spicht, Joseph, Prières mariâtes (CoUection "La Prière des Hommes"), 142 pp.; Paris: Les Editions Ouvrières, [1956]. Tortorici, Giuseppe, Mind over Matter and Matter over Mind, 24 pp. ; New York: The William-Frederick Press, 1956. Unger, Dominic, O.F.M.Cap., The Ángelus. Its Meaning and History, 32 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Press, [1956]. Wagner, Elmar, O.F.M., Historia Constitutionum Generalium Ordinis Fratrum Minorum, XV—207 pp. ; Rome, 1954. Books Received311 Wilson, Curtis, William Heytesbury, Medieval Logic and the Rise of Mathematical Physics, XII—219 pp. ; Madison : The University of Wisconsin Press, 1956. Aschendorff 1954—1955. Zehnjahresverzeichnis, 161 pp. ; [Münster: Aschendorff, 1956]. The Role of Philosophy in the Catholic Liberal College (Proceedings of the American CathoUc Philosophical Association, vol. 30), [IV—]247 pp.; Washington, D. C: The Catholic University of America, [1956]. ...

