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BOOKS RECEIVED Breton, Valentine M., O. F. M., Franciscan Spirituality. Synthesis. Antithesis. Translated from the French by Flavian Frey, O.F.M., 70 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, [1957]. Dalma, Juan, La herencia en las enfermedades mentales, 48 pp. ; Tucumán : Departamento de Extension Universitaria, 1956. Didier de Cré, O.F.M. Cap., Notre-Dame de la Trinité. Méditations théologiques . I. Le grand vocable, 354 pp. ; Blois : Librairie mariale et franciscaine, 1957. Eusèbe d'Emèse, Discours conservés en Latin. Textes en partie inédits. Tome II: La Collection de Sirmond (Discours XVIII á XXIX), edit. Eligius M. Buytaert, O.F.M. (Spicilegium sacrum lovaniense, 27), XI—331pp.; Louvain: Spicilegium sacrum lovaniense, 1957. Gabriel, Astrik L., The Educational Ideas of Vincent of Beauvais (Texts and Studies in the History of Mediaeval Education, 4), 62 pp.; Notre Dame, Ind.: The Mediaeval Institute, 1956. Giffin, Mary, Studies on Chaucer and his Audience, 127 pp.; Hull, Québec: Les Editions L'Eclair, 1956. Heath, Spencer, Citadel, Market and Altar. Emerging Society. Outline of Socionomy the New Natural Science of Society, XXIV—259 pp. ; Baltimore, Md.: The Science of Society Foundation, Inc., [1957]. Ioannis Duns Scoti O.F.M., Ordinatio, Liber primus, a distinctione quarta ad decimam (Opera omnia, IV), edit. Scotus Commission, XII—48*—442 pp. ; Rome : Typis polyglottis Vaticanis, 1956. Jáki, Stanislas, O.S.B., Les tendances nouvelles de Vecclésiologie (BibliothecaAcademiae catholicae hungaricae, Sectio philosophico-theologica, 3), 274 pp.; Rome: Casa éditrice Herder, 1957. John of the Cross (Saint), The Dark Night of the Soul (Milestones of Thought), Translated, abridged, and edited by Kurt F. Reinhardt, XXXIV—222pp.; New York: F.Ungar Publishing Co., [1957]. Leff, Gordon, Bradwardine and the Pelagians. A Study of His 'De causa Dei' and its Opponents (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, New Series, 5), XI—282 pp.; Cambridge: The University Press, 1957. Lynch, Kilian F., O.F.M., The Sacrament of Confirmation in the Earlymiddle Scholastic Period. Volume I : Texts (Franciscan Institute Publications, Theology Series, 5), LXXV—256 pp.; St. Bonaventure, N.Y. : The Franciscan Institute, 1957. Markovics, Robert, Grundsätzliche Vorfragen einer methodischen Thomasdeutung (Bibliotheca Academiae catholicae hungaricae, Sectio philosophico -theologica, 2), XI—114 pp. ; Rome : Casa éditrice Herder, 1956. Meyer, James, O.F.M., A Primer of Christian Perfection for Everybody, VIII—184 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, [1957]. 317 3i8FRANCISCAN STUDIES Nimeth, Albert J., O.F.M., Guidelines of St. Francis, 59 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, [1957]. Nonis, Piero, La scepsi etica di Giuseppe Rensi (Cultura, 17), X—267 pp. ; Rome: Editrice Studium, [1957]. Ockham, Philosophical Writings. A selection edited and translated by Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M. (The Nelson Philosophical Texts), LX—300 pp. ; [Edinburgh] : Nelson, 1957. O'Donohoe, James A., Tridentine Seminary Legislation, Its Sources and Its Formation (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium , 9), VI—194 pp.; Louvain: Publications Universitaires, 1957. Pierre le Chantre, Summa de sacramentis et animae consiliis, Deuxième Partie, edit. Jean-Albert Dugauquier (Analecta mediaevalia Namurcensia , 7), XVI—551pp.; Louvain: Editions Nauwelaerts, 1957. Shapiro, Herman, Motion, Time and Place According to William Ockham (Franciscan Institute Publications, Philosophy Series, 13), VIII—151 pp. ; St. Bonaventure, N. Y. : The Franciscan Institute, 1957. Strub, Celestine, O.F.M., The Christian Home. A Guide to Happiness in the Home, 144 pp.; Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, [1957]. Van Zeller, Dom Hubert, The Yoke of Divine Love. A study of conventual perfection, XII—238 pp.; Springfield, Illinois: Templegate, [1957]. Wright, John H., S.J., The Order of the Universe in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas (Analecta Gregoriana, 89), VII—223 pp.; Rome: Universitas Gregoriana, 1957. Zaremba, Theodore, O.F.M., Mercy is forever. The story of the devotion to the mercyof God, 159pp. ; Pulaski,Wis. : FranciscanPublishers, 1957. Zavalonni, Roberto, O.F.M., La psicología clínica netto studio del ragazzo, IX—475pp.; [Milan]: Vita e Pensiero, [1957]. The Direction of Nuns. Being the EnglishVersion oí Directoire des prêtres chargés des religieuses. Translated by Lancelot C. Sheppard (Religous Life, 7), X—259 pp.; Westminster, Md.: The Newman Press, 1957. Die Kirche in der Welt. Wegweisung für die katholische Arbeit am Menschen der Gegenwart, 8. Jahrgang, IV—376 pp.; Münster: Aschendorff, [1955]. Maria...

