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PERIODICAL LITERATURE GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS San Antonio en la devoción de España: geografía y crónicas paradigmáticas. Bernardino de Armellada. Collectanea Franciscana, 65 (1—2, 1995), 149-181. Il Cardinale Tommaso Pasquale Gizzi primo Segretario di Stato di Pio LX. Stefano Gizzi. Pio IX, XXTV (May-Aug., 1995), 117-146. Per una rilettura délia Storia délia Chiesa. Archivi siciliani tra euristica ed ermeneutica. Salvatore Vacca. Laurentianum, 36 (1-2, 1995), 61-118. ANCIENT Churches or Books? Sethian Social Organization. Alan B. Scott. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 3 (Summer, 1995), 109-122. Martyrium Polycarpi 4 und der Montanismus. Gerd Buschmann. Vigiliae Christianae, 49 (May, 1995), 105-145. Nochmals: Wo lag Pepuza? Wo lag Tymion? Nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur Frühgeschichte des Montanismus. Christoph Markschies. Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, 37 (1994), 7-28. La formazione di un modulo storiografico cristiano: dall'esamerone cósmico alle "Chronographiae" di Giulio Africano. Osvalda Andrei. Aevum, LXLX (Jan.-Apr., 1995), 147-170. Tertullian's Use of the Word Potestas. David Rankin. Journal of Religious History, 19 Quae, 1995), 1-9. Widows, Bishops and the Struggle for Authority in the Didascalia Apostolorum . Charlotte Methuen. Journal ofEcclesiastical History, 46 (Apr., 1995), 197-213. Condemnation to the Mines in the Later Roman Empire. Mark Gustafson. Harvard Theological Review, 87 (Oct., 1994), 421-433. The Earliest Account of a Martyrdom in Coptic. Peter van Minnen. Analecta Bollandiana, 113 (1-2, 1995), 13-38. Episcopal Courts in Late Antiquity. John C. Lamoreaux. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 3 (Summer, 1995), 143-167. L'Initiation chrétienne dans une communauté espagnole du LV' siècle. Philippe 661 662PERIODICAL UTERATURE Beitia. Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique, XCVI (Apr.-June, 1995), 83-95. Passioni di martiri donatisti (BHL 4473 e 5271). Paolo Mastandrea. Analecta Bollandiana, 113 (1-2, 1995), 39-88. Apa Pachom—Mönchsvater und Diener aller. Die Doppelberufung Pachoms ( 1 347) und sein Konflikt mit Theodoros ( f 368). ChristophJoest. Studia Monástica, 36 (2, 1994), 165-181. Canon Formation and Social Conflict in Fourth-Century Egypt: Athanasius of Alexandria's Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter. David Brakke. Harvard Theological Review, 87 (Oct., 1994), 395-419. The Cappadocian Fathers, Women and Ecclesiastical Politics. Philip M. Beagon. Vigiliae Christianae, 49 (May, 1995), 165-179. Fides contra dissimulationem. Ambrosius und Symmachus im Kampf um den Victoriaaltar. Klaus Rosen. Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, 37 (1994), 29-36. The Development of Jerome's Views on the Ascetic Life. Steven D. Driver. Recherches de Théologie ancienne et médiévale, LXII (Jan.-Dec, 1995), 44-70. GIi Atti etiopici di san Mosè il Nero. Osvaldo Raineri. Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 61 (1, 1995), 131-161. Deux grandes éditions de saint Augustin au 19e siècle: Gaume (1836—1839) et Migne (1841-1842). Georges Folliet. Augustiniana, 45 (1-2, 1995), 5-44. Braga and Tours: Some Observations on Gregory's De virtutibus sancti Martini (1.11). Alberto Ferreiro.Journal ofEarly Christian Studies, 3 (Summer , 1995), 195-210. Gregory of Tours and the Holy Land. Yitzhak Hen. Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 61 (1, 1995), 47-64. MEDIEVAL Adomnán the Illustrious. Thomas O'Loughlin. Innes Review, XLVI (Spring, 1995), 1-14. Saint ^delthryd: A Historical-Hagiographical Dichotomy Revisited. Christine Fell. Nottingham Medieval Studies, XXXVIII (1994), 18-34. Chorherren-Reformen im Früh- und Hochmittelalter. Manfred Heim. Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift, 46 (1, 1995), 21-36. The Early St. Albans Endowment and Its Chroniclers. Pamela Taylor. Historical Research, LXVIII (June, 1995), 119-142. The Problem of Female Sanctity in Carolingian Europe c. 780—920. Julia M. H. Smith. Past and Present, No. 146 (Feb., 1995), 3-37. PERIODICAL LITERATURE663 Confession before 1215. Alexander Murray. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 6th Series, IH (1993), 51-81. From Image into Art: Art after Byzantine Iconoclasm. Charles Barber. Gesta, XXXIV(I, 1995), 5-10. Zur frühmittelalterlichen Reliefplastik aus der Zeit der Bischöfe Lupinus/ Lipenus und Leo IH von NoIa. Dieter Korol. Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, 37 (1994), 142-168. Who Wrote Hincmar's Ordines? Richard A. Jackson. Viator, 25 (1994), 3152 . El diplomatari del monestir de Santa Cecilia de Montserrat, L Anys 900—999. Francesco Xavier Altes i Aguil...

