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CONTRIBUTORS FICTION AND RELIGION MARTIN C. BATTESTIN is William R. Kenan, Jr, Professor Emeritus at the University ofVirginia. He is author of Henry Fielding: A Life and has edited Fielding's novels for the Wesleyan Edition. GEORGE STARR has been Professor of English at University of California, Berkeley for forty years. Before agreeing to edit An Essay on the History and Reality ofApparitions and The Apparition of Mrs. Veal for the Pickering & Chatto Defoe edition, he reread both. Reading them together caused him to question the authorship. He believes HRA is Defoe's, so he is editing it. JOHN A. DUSSINGER is Professor Emeritus of English at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His article "Samuel Richardson's 'Elegant Disquisitions ': Anonymous Writing in the True Briton and Other Journals," has recently appeared in Studies in Bibliography. Currently, he is editing the letters ofThomas Edwards, SarahWescomb, LaetitiaPilkington, and Frances Grainger, for The CambridgeEdition ofthe Works and Correspondence ofSamuel Richardson, under the general editorship ofTom Keymer and Peter Sabor. LOlSA. CHABER, who teaches at the American Intercontinental University in London, has written several articles on eighteenth-century novels, particularly Richardson and Defoe. TERl DOERKSEN is Associate Professor of English at Mansfield University of Pennsylvania. Her currentresearch exploresAnglican representations ofthe Catholic in the late eighteenth century. ROBERT A. ERlCKSON is Professor of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the author of The Language ofthe Heart, 1600-1 750 and Mother Midnight: Birth, Sex, and Fate in Eighteenth-Century Fiction. He is currently at work on a study of Milton and the poetics of ecstasy. ROBERTJ. MAYHEW, a Lecturer at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, has published articles about eighteenth-century literature and landscape in Eighteenth-Century Studies, Studies in English Literature, and TheAge offohnson. He is currently working on a monograph concerning landscape, literature, and theology, 1660-1800. ANA M. ACOSTA is Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Comparative Literature, Brooklyn College-CUNY. She has published on Sade, Sarah Scott,Jean Astruc and biblical criticism, and Protestant Dissent and the publicsphere in GreaterLondon. She is currentlypreparinga book on religion and enlightenment. DANIELE. WILLIAMS, Professor ofEnglish at the University ofMississippi, has written more than thirty articles—many of them on the rogue narrative in American literature. He is also the author of Pillars ofSalt: An Anthology of Early American Criminal Narratives (1994). GENRE ROMANESQUE ET RELIGION MLADEN KOZUL, researchfellow à l'Université Catholique de Louvain (KU Leuven), est auteur d'articles sur le roman libertin et la philosophie matérialiste des Lumières. Il travaille actuellement à une monographie sur Sade et participe à plusieurs projets de recherche collectifs sur le roman du XVIIIe siècle. Une anthologie commentée des écrits antireligieux de la même époque (en collaboration avec Patrick Graille) paraîtra au printemps 2003. JACQUELINE CHAMMAS, après un mémoire de maîtrise sur la Correspondance de Mme de Graffigny, prépare une thèse de doctorat sur l'inceste romanesque en France au XVM' siècle, à l'Université de Montréal. CAROLE MARTIN, professeur de français à Southwest Texas State University, est l'auteur d'une monographie sur Denis Veiras et Robert Challe Imposture uiopique et procès colonial (2000), d'articles sur l'utopisme et le libertinage ( YaleFrench Studies), ainsi que sur les conceptions pré-modernes de l'espace (Studies inEighteenth-Century Cultureet XVIf siècle) sur lesquelles elle prépare un livre. JACQUES BOUCHARD est professeur de littérature néo-hellénique à l'Université de Montréal, titulaire de la Chaire Papachristidis à l'Université McGiIl et directeur du Centre interuniversitaire d'études néo-helléniques de Montréal. Il s'est fait connaître comme spécialiste de l'époque des Lumières, du surréalisme grec et de la traduction littéraire. IRENE ÁGUILA SOLANA est professeur en titre de littérature à la Faculté des Lettres, Université de Saragosse, Espagne. Ses recherches portent sur la littérature française du XVIIIe siècle (contes et récits brefs, érotisme et libertinage, récits de voyage, le comique dans la littérature). MURIEL SCHMID est maître-assistante en théologie à l'Université de Neuchâtel, Suisse. En complément de son...

