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this case die editing has produced a clear and easy style which can be read widi enjoyment by anyone. It should be noted that two important areas ofgreat significance for the future —solar energy and marine resources—were left out completely, as being less in need of discussion today; and the population problem receives only tangential treatment, although it is obviously ofdie first importance in a discussion ofresources and their management . It is to be hoped that Resources for the Future will sometime give these subjects a similarly authoritative and lucid public presentation. John Rader Platt Department ofPhysics University ofChicago' A Stereotaxic Atlas ofthe Dog's Brain. By Robert K. S. Lim, Chan-Nao Liu, and Robert L. MoFFrrr. Springfield, 111.: Charles C Thomas, i960. Pp. 93. Aldiough the dog is used extensively in Russia as an experimental subject, most neurophysiological studies on the central nervous system in diis country are done on rats, cats, and monkeys. One reason for our neglect ofthe dog is diat different breeds have such different head sizes. This cranial variability prevents the use ofstereotaxic apparatus to place lesions or to implant electrodes in the subcortical structures. This monograph will mitigate such a difficulty to some extent. We are indebted to Drs. Lim, Liu, and Moffitt for dieir effort in preparing this atlas, and to the publisher for producing a high quality volume . As a consequence, dogs may well be used more frequently in neurological research in die future. This atlas is made for beagles and "short haired hound-like dogs of limited weight (10 + 2 kg.) and without unduly short or long noses." The standard deviations of the average points, based on measurement of 3 beagles and 14 mongrels, are about 1 mm. around die zero co-ordinates and increase to about 3 mm. at the surface ofthe brain. This amount ofindividual variability is acceptable for normal usage. The vertical zero in this atlas is the interaural plane and not die usual plus 10 "basal" plane. In the introduction, the audiors describe the Lab-Tronics stereotaxic instrument modified for dogs. It requires a simple snort clamp and an additional pair ofear bars carrying the infraorbital pins, which are attached to die frame ofthe apparatus. Both these modifications can be easily made in a machine shop of any laboratory. They also show the method offitting the head in a wood box, which, in turn, is fitted into a vise attached to a "Quikut" bandsaw. The whole cranium with die brain in situ can be sliced in any one ofdie three stereotaxic planes in 5 mm. sections. The technical details are well illustrated widi photographs and X-ray pictures. Life-size serial photographs ofdiese gross slices in each one ofdie diree planes are reproduced. Line drawings ofthe sections, with structures labeled, are placed immediately adjacent to die photographs. The audiors also provide individually reconstructed drawings of the limbic system, corpus striatum, ventricular system, cerebellar nuclei, and brain-stem reticular nuclei. These materials are innovations that are not found in published atlases for rat, rabbit, cat, monkey, or man. 571 The main part of the atlas consists ofthe conventional coronal sections dirough die brain. The coverage, from the apex ofthe medulla to the head ofthe caudate nucleus, is more extensive than that of most other atlases. Photomicrographs ofthe sections, four times original size, are reproduced in millimeter intervals. For each picture, one-half is based on a Weil-strained and the odier on a Nissl-stained section. Line drawings of die sections with the nuclei and fiber tracts labeled are conveniently placed on die same page. It is unfortunate that the reproductions of the Nissl sections are not of higher quality. However, the authors stated that this atlas is intended to be a guide for localization of major structures ofthe brain and not for cytoarchitectural studies. This book is indispensable for anyone who works onthe central nervous system ofthe dog. It may also prove useful as a manual for beginners to study the subcortical structures of die mammalian brain. K. L. Chow University ofChicago Evolution ofNervous Control. Arranged and edited by Bernard B. Brodie and Allan D. Bass. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of...

