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como pastoral cabana . . . This ties in with the similar material in Figueroa's second ha. A further datum that may be helpful to keep in mind is that Figueroa and his group seem to have arrived in Madrid from a very recent visit to Alcalá; see 531b, 6-7, 35-39. Rennert has no data on this. Again, Figueroa makes comment (532b, 50-56) on his long absence away from Madrid, calling it "esta ausencia tan larga," and he continues most entertainingly :¡qué trabajos no he pasado en la bolsa y en la fama hasta venir a deciros (Dios guarde, amén, mi garganta) que me habían ahorcado! This seems to represent a tale spread abroad by gossip, for (533a, 3) he explains , "en relación me ahorcaron." It would be interesting to know exactly what the tale was, how it got started, and whether perhaps it originated in an actual incident involving Figueroa's brush with the law. There are other has in the Cotarelo Colección that offer materials similar to those in this article; they all deserve close study. To conclude, we should say that we are familiar with most of the materials on the theater that came after Rennert's book, Alonso Cortés's Teatro en Valladolid, Sánchez Arjona's Teatro en Sevilla, Mérimée's Spectacles et Comédiens à Valencia, the BRAE data that appear above. It is indeed possible that error has crept into our article through omissions, but we believe it to be reasonably accurate and thorough. 14It is not possible to determine the last name of Ana Maria. Rennert lists her as "la hija del lapidario"; it is thus that she is called in our loa. ,sThis is probably the Juan Pérez who played galanes in the company of Pedro de la Rosa in 1636. ,4The play on baja of the sixth line and gran turco of the ninth is obvious. Vega was called "el gran turco," for what reason we do not know. His wife, Amarilis, also called "la gran sultana" no doubt because of the nickname of her husband, was the very famous María de Córdoba. (Is it possible that the name Gran turco is explained by the lines of our passage? That is, that Vega, abetted by the prestigious acting of Amarilis, was so devastating to other autores that he gained his nickname because of that fact, just as Solimán, the Gran turco of history, devastated Mediterranean shipping. ) MLA Meeting Spanish 3: The Spanish Comedia. Chairman, Raymond R. MacCurdy, Univ. of New Mexico; Secretary, Arnold G. Reichenberger, Univ. of Pennsylvania . I. Business. II. Papers and Discussion. 1."La ambigüedad dramática en El Caballero de Olmedo" Diego Marín, Univ. of Toronto. (15 mins.) 2."Los hidalgos cansados de Lope de Vega," Joseph Silverman, Univ. of California (Los Angeles ). (15 mins. ) 3."On the Father-Son Conflict in the Drama of Calderón," A. A. Parker, Univ. of Edinburgh. (25 mins.) Advisory and Nominating Committee: Ch., Carlos Ortigoza, Indiana Univ. (1961-64); Robert J. Bininger (196165 ); Everett W. Hesse (1962-66); Gerald E. Wade (1963-67); Richard W. Tyler (1964-68); Robert R. Bishop (1965-69). Publications Committee: Ch., William M. Whitby, Univ. of Arizona; Karl Selig · Bibliography Committee: Ch., Warren T. McCready, Univ. of Toronto. Research Committee: Ch., Jack H. Parker, Univ. of Toronto; R. R. Bishop; J. A. Castañeda; A. M. Fox; Edward Glaser; D. Larson; R. R. MacCurdy; Carlos Ortigoza; M. Peyton; W. Poesse; A. G. Reichenberger; Ramon Rozzell; 15 H. L. Sears; K. Selig; A. S. Trueblood; R. W. Tyler; G. E. Wade; B. W. Wardropper . 1965 Officers: Chairman, Arnold G. Reichenberger, Univ. of Pennsylvania; Secretary, Warren T. McCready, Univ. of Toronto. (Nominations to be voted on.) The Comediantes luncheon will be held at 12:30 on the day of the Spanish 3 meeting (December 28) in the Gate of Cleve, Sheraton Atlantic Hotel. The cost, including 20% to cover tip and tax, will be $3.60. Those wishing to attend should send their checks to Professor R. R. MacCurdy (University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico) by December 10. Progress Report Spanish 3—MLA...

