The Comings and Goings of a Korean Grandfather: The Yŏngdŭng Kut Sequence of a Cheju Island Village
- Korean Studies
- University of Hawai'i Press
- Volume 14, 1990
- pp. 84-97
- 10.1353/ks.1990.0014
- Article
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The authors describe the Yŏngdŭng kut held in Sunshine Village, on Cheju Island. The kut ceremonies are described in light of the narrative myth of the Yŏngdŭng grandfather legend. Both the welcoming and farewell kut are described, together with oral narratives provided by several village informants. The authors conclude that the Yŏngdŭng kut play a central role in the ritual life of the village, and through their annual myth of separation and reintegration, thereby affirm the village's place in the Cheju Island community.