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Articles inQuakerPerioàkah By Edwtn B. Bronner Evangelical Friend Edwin B. Bronner tells the story of earlier publications named the Evangelical Friend, illustrated with photographs of earlier title pages.—Vol. II, No. 1, September , 1968, pp, 6, 7. TL· Friend Dorothea M. Abbott in "Peacocks and Friends' Principles" relates the girlhood of Mary Anne Galton, from the book entitled, Life of Mary Anne Schimmelpenninck (Philadelphia, 1859). Her father, Samuel Galton, was a member of the Lunar Society.—July 12, 1968, pp. 845, 846. George W. Edwards summarizes the life of Peter Collinson, F.R.S. (16941768 ), a noted botanist and consistent Friend.—August 9, 1968, pp. 962-964. Friends Journal Letter from the Past, Number 235, "A Quaker Wedding in 1834," quotes a description by Harriet Martineau of a wedding where Lucretia Mott spoke.·— June 15, 1968, p. 303. Letter form the Past, Number 236, "Quakers and an Earthquake," tells the story of the terrible earthquake in Jamaica in 1692.—August 15, 1968, pp. 406, 407. Letter from the Past, [Number 237], "Stamps are Friends," discusses two British commemorative stamps, one for Captain James Cook, and the other the Iron Bridge in Shropshire, built by the Coalbrookdale Iron Company, a Quaker concern.—November 1, 1968, p. 545. Letter from the Past, Number 238, "A Variant in Woolman's Style," points out that John Woolman used both the modern and archaic word endings, that is, "s" and "eth."—December 1, 1968, p. 612. Kvekeren Wilhelm Aarek, in "Kvekerne i norsk historie," outlines some of the history of Norwegian Friends.—May-June, 1968, pp. 34-38. Quaker Religious Thought Gerald W. Dillon, in "Friends and Ecumenical Movements among Evangelicals ," traces this subject down to the present. The other essays in this issue, by A. Burns Chalmers and Dean Freiday, are not primarily historical in nature. — Summer, 1968, pp. 11-19. 64 ...

