
In this article I will discuss the originally German term and concept of Bildung. The reason why I, as a Scandinavian, find such a discussion both interesting and important is that the trend of instrumentalism in modern educational politics and pedagogical thinking (at least in Scandinavian countries) is problematic; that is, looking on knowledge in general and school subjects in particular primarily as tools or means for reaching another goal or end. The discussion of the concept of Bildung has during the history of pedagogical philosophy in my cultural context given—and has still possibilities to give—impulses to fundamental discussions concerning the value and justification of teaching music (and in fact all other school subjects). I focus my discussion on three aspects which are central to the concept of Bildung: cultural heritage (or what could be called a normative aspect of the term culture); “the journey” as a metaphor; and last but not least a criticism of instrumentalism. Furthermore I discuss both content and teaching/learning methods in relation to the concept and tradition of Bildung.

