In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

338 GOETHE SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA Band deshalb weniger von Bedeutung. Es wäre jedoch interessant, die russische Sicht auf Goethe und sein Werk als Ausgangspunkt einer Infragestellung des etabUerten GoethebUdes—der engen literaturhistorischen Perspektive des späten neunzehnten Jahrhunderts entwachsen—heranzuziehen. Offenbar standen die russischen Literaten nicht im Bannkreis des deutschen Klassik-Mythos, der in Deutschland (und Amerika) erst in der Folge der rezeptionsästhetischen Bemühungen von Hans Robert Jauß und Wolfgang Iser problematisiert wurde. Und damit komme ich zum letzten Punkt meiner Kritik: von Gronicka erwähnt nicht die Möglichkeit einer Revision des deutschen Goethebildes auf Grund der russischen Rezeption, im GegenteU, er scheint diese gegen eine, wie er impUziert, abgeschlossene, fest umrissene Goetheauffassung abzuwägen. Als gelungene Rezeptionsstudie sei dieser Mikhail Bakhtins Rabelais and His World entgegengehalten, in der Bakhtin ein gründüches Verständnis, das heißt, eine Darlegung der historischen Bedeutung einer positiven oder negativen BeurteUung anstrebt. So auch Edward Said zu diesem Thema: Writing cannot materially exist ... without a network of agencies that limit, select, arrange, shape and maintain writing in such a way as to make writing take on a particular form at a particular time (Interview: Diacritics 6 [1976], 34-5). Diese wohl für deutsche ebenso wie für russische Literaturkritiker bedeutsame Problematisierung der Uteraturgeschichtlichen Sehensweise fehlt bei von Gronicka. Eine lesbare und interessante, aber für den Germanisten nur bedingt nützUche Studie. Grinnell College Petra Perry Goethe im Kontext. Kunst und Humanität, Naturwissenschaft und Politik von der Aufklärung bis zur Restauration. Ein Symposium, hrsg. von Wolfgang Wittkowski. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1984. Goethe im Kontext is a coUection of twenty-one papers originally presented on October 14-16, 1982 at a conference in Albany, New York, commemorating the Goedie Sesquecentennial. Its strengths and weaknesses are those typical of such coUections: on the one hand stimulating variety and topicaUty, but on die other a cross-section of scholarship diat is skewed, and a lack of focus generaUy. The present volume is aU the stronger because the editor wisely chose to include transcripts of the discussions foUowing each paper. These have been edited with great skUl, and are by far the most interesting and valuable aspect of the volume as a whole. Unfortunately, the editor has chosen to address the weaknesses inherent in such collections by deliberately restricting admissible approaches, and then attempting to give the volume an ideological slant that even his restrictive selection wUl not support. On this problematical strategem more below. Frederick Amrine 339 Three of the studies are particularly impressive. Doubting die usefulness of the traditional generic designation, Hans-Jürgen Schings proposes a reinterpretation of the three "Grundbücher, die die Tradition des BUdungsromans stiften," Agathon,. Anton Reiser, and die Lehrjahre, as "dierapy" for protagonists trapped within die padiological subjectivity, melancholia, and hypochondria that threaten to divorce the subject from the world. Of the three, it is Meister who is most completely cured: die "pseudo-Hamlet" becomes an "anti-Werdier," the novel a classical reply to modern subjectivity. Further intriguing analogies are uncovered in the audiors' scientific pursuits: Wieland's anthropology, Moritz's psychology, and Goedie's color theory, in which the eye's "anticipation" of die "antwortende GegenbUder" exemplifies a healthy relationship between self and world. Hartmut Steinecke's contribution also discusses Wilhelm Meister, but now with an eye to its progeny in die nineteenth century. Steinecke also finds die term "Bildungsroman" inadequate, and supports his contention with a detaUed history of conflicting definitions and widely varying canons. Yet although the designation "BUdungsroman" is far too narrow to account for the range and complexity of its influence, Meister remains unquestionably the most important model for die ensuing century, with die result that compromises were struck where later Western European forms might have won out completely, and both the isolation of the German novel and a complete break with tradition were prevented. As a replacement for die vacuous term "BUdungsroman," Steinecke suggests "Individuationsroman " or "novel of formation." Even ff one disagrees on some points (notably his evafuation of the Farbenlehre), Michael Border's piece on the reception of Goedie's science and the essentials of his metiiod is a masterpiece...

