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139 themselves . . . [must be] . . . regarded with . . . scepticism . . . > " Hence, the circulation statistics cited in the Checklist generally relate "to the number of copies sold ..." ( Parts II through IV, which list the publishers^ printers, and editors of the periodicals, are very important "extensions of the analyses in Part I" and designed to make the Checklist easy to use. Thus, Part II lists not only the names of the publishers, but their addresses and the dates they published the periodicals. Part III provides the same information on printers, while Part IV presents the names of the editors and the chronology of their tenure. Indeed, the entire Checklist is designed to illustrate "both the wide range of the publishing and printing industries engaged in the production of periodicals, and the special interests of particular firms or individuals" (p. vi). This is a job well done. Perhaps Mr. Tye and the Society will undertake the publication of a similar checklist for the Edwardieh Era (1900-1914). Georgia State University J. 0» Baylen With an assistance grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts and Humanities, a fifteen-year cumulative index to ELT ie in preparation for tentative publication in June or July 1975. 140 BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Edward Albee. ed by C. W. E. Bigsby (Englewood Cliffs, NJs PrenticeHall Inc, 1975). $6.95» Paper: $2.45. Eliot, George. Daniel Deronda (Baltimore, Maryland: Penguin, 19?5). Paper: $3.95^ Finkelstein, Bonnie Blumenthal. Forster's Womeni Eternal Differences (NY & Londt Columbia UP, 1975). $7.95. James, Henry. The Ambassadors (Baltimore, Maryland! Penguin, 1975). Papen $2.75. Joseph Conradi Theory and World Fiction, ed by Wolodynyr T. ZyIa and Wendell M. Aycock (Lubbock Texas ι Texas Tech UP [Proceedings of the Comparative Literature Symposium, Vol VII, Jan 23, 24, 25. 1974], 1974). Kay, Donald. Short Fiction in THE SPECTATOR (University, Alabama ι University of Alabama P~~[studies in the Humanities #8], 1975). $6.50. Lyons, Bridget Geliert. Vo ice s of Melancholy (NYi Norton [Norton Library], 1975» first pub Bosti Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971). Papen $3·45· Nineteenth-Century Literary Perspectives, ed by Clyde de L. Ryals (Durham, NCi Duke UP, 1975). Orage, as Critic, ed by Wallace Martin (Bostt Routledge & Kegan Paul LRoutledge Critics Series], 1975). $18.50. Solomon, Pearl Chesler. DICKENS AND MELVILLE IN THEIR TIME (NY & Londi Columbia UP, 1975). $9.00. The The ory of the Novell New Essays, ed by John Halperin (NYi Oxford UP, 1975). Papen $5795· The fifteen-year cumulative ELT index now in preparation is compiled by Mary Ellen and Bernard Quint, with an introduction on the history of ELT by H. E. Gerber. The index will be published separately - price to be announced later. PEGASUS tl.95 The English Short Story In Transition 1880-1920 A Kollation of twenty-six of the htsl ani most exemplary short stories in English literature from the period 1880 to 1920. «««««««««« Helmut E. Gerber A PEGASUS ORIGINAL English DRAMA In Transition 1880-1920 A collection of English ilrum.i of the period 1880 1920. including plays by Henry Arthur Jones. Arthur Wing Pinero. Ομ.;ιγ Wilde, George Bernard Sh.iw, fames Nf. H.irric. John Galsworthy, Willi.un Huiler Ve.its, John Milliiigton Suigc, ;md W. Somerset Maugham. Henry F. Salerno -*■ENGLISH ♦PEGASUS ORlGlNAl. f).95 POETRY IN TRANSITION ·**■*©· -(Sk*1880 Ί920 An anthology «/ Hnglish pnrlry from tlieperioil ISSO In IVW, including I» it/ biuf^nphirx n\ the ports. IOHN M. MUNRO PEGASUS was recently acquired by Bobbs-Merrlll Company, Indianapolis ...

