In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received*

Books Received July through September 2009

Alberg, Jeremiah. A Reinterpretation of Rousseau: A Religious System (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). Pp. 252. $79.95 cloth.
Andries, Lise, ed. La Construction des savoirs: XVIIIe-XIXe siècles (Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 2009). Pp. 254. €25.
Aston, Nigel. Art and Religion in Eighteenth-Century Europe (London: Reaktion Books, 2009). Pp. 320. $45 cloth.
Bailyn, Bernard and Patricia L. Denault. Soundings in Atlantic History: Latent Structures and Intellectual Currents, 1500-1830 (Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2009). Pp. 640. $59.95 cloth.
Benhamou, Reed. Regulating the Académie: Art, Rules and Power in Ancien Régime France (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2009). Pp. 298. $105 paper.
Brodsky, Claudia. In the Place of Language: Literature and the Architecture of the Referent (New York: Fordham University Press, 2009). Pp. 192. $50 cloth.
Bygrave, Stephen. Uses of Education: Readings in Enlightenment in England (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2009). Pp. 238. $53 cloth.
Châtelet, Emilie du. Selected Philosophical and Scientific Writings, Tr. Isabelle Bour and Judith P. Zinsser, ed. Judith P. Zinsser (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009). Pp.456. $95 cloth, $35 paper.
Colvin, Sarah and Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly. Women and Death 2: Warlike Woman in the German Literary and Cultural Imagination since 1500 (Rochester: Camden House, 2009). Pp. 313. $75 cloth, $30 paper. [End Page 293]
DeMaria, Robert Jr. Samuel Johnson and the Life of Reading (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009). Pp. 288. $30 paper.
Fruchtman, Jack Jr. The Political Philosophy of Thomas Paine (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009). Pp. 224. $45 cloth.
Gallouët, Catherine, David Diop, Michèle Bocquillon and Gérard Lahouati, eds. L'Afrique du siècle des lumières: savoirs et représentations (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2009). Pp. 310. $100 paper.
Garrison, James D. A Dangerous Liberty: Translating Gray's Elegy (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2009). Pp. 335. $32.50 cloth.
Hanley, Ryan Patrick. Adam Smith and the Character of Virtue (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009). Pp. 232. $85 cloth.
Hanrahan, James. Voltaire and the "parlements" of France (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2009). Pp. 266. $85 paper.
Klancher, Jon, ed. A Concise Companion to the Romantic Age (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009). Pp. 300. $99.95 cloth.
Kopp, Édouard. Capturing Nature's Beauty: Three Centuries of French Landscapes (Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2009). Pp. 96. $19.95 cloth.
Lumen Vol. XXVII: Selected Proceedings from the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Kelowna: Academic Printing and Publishing, 2009). Pp. 155. $37.95 paper.
McGinnis, Reginald. Essai sur l'origine de la mystification (Saint-Denis: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2009). Pp. 166. €20 paper.
McGirr, Elaine. Heroic Mode and Political Crisis, 1660-1745 (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2009). Pp. 245. $56 cloth.
Miqueu, Christophe and Mason Chamie. Locke's Political Liberty: Readings and Misreadings (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2009). Pp. 230. $85 paper.
O'Brien, Karen. Women and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009). Pp. 318. $90 cloth, $31.99 paper.
Oliver, Bette W. Orphans on the Earth: Girondin Fugitives from the Terror, 1793-1794 (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2009). Pp. 140. $60 cloth.
Poirson, Martial and Laurence Schifano, eds. L'Ecran des Lumières: regards cinématographiques sur le XVIIIe siècle (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 2009). Pp. 324. $130 paper.
Rosenblatt, Helena. The Cambridge Companion to Constant (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009). Pp. 448. $90 cloth, $29.99 paper.
Sairio, Anni. Language and Letters of the Bluestocking Network: Sociolinguistic Issues in Eighteenth-Century Epistolary English (Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 2009). Pp. 365. €45 paper. [End Page 294]
Schlutz, Alexander M. Mind's World: Imagination and Subjectivity from Descartes to Romanticism (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2009). Pp. 344. $60 cloth, $30 paper.
Stovel, Nora Foster, ed. Jane Austen Sings the Blues (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2009). Pp. 292. $26.95 paper.
Sutherland, D. M. G. Murder in Aubagne: Lynching, Law, and Justice during the French Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009). Pp. 334. $95 cloth.
Swenson, Rivka and Elise Lauterbach, eds. Imagining Selves: Essays in Honor of Patricia Meyer Spacks (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2008). Pp. 325. $64.50 cloth.
Thomas, Keith. The Ends of Life: Roads...

