In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE EDITOR'S FENCE A Note to Dispell Confusion: The fact that EFT had three numbers in its first year of publication and that it will have two numbers (in three parts) this year has created some consternation among librarians. To set the record straight and to reduce the amount of explanatory correspondence that has occasionally confronted me, these are the facts: (l) EFT regularly appears twice a year; (2) we publish additional numbers at no extra cost to regular subscribers as material and funds warrant such extra issues. My notion here is that a little confusion and a little irregularity of publication dates are a small price to pay for some assurance that each number vre publish will be worthwhile, that no number will have to be padded out with pdds'and ends of fillers. Back issues, whether regularly scheduled ones or extra ones, cost fifty cents each. Thus, those who subscribe regularly by the year are likely to receive one or more free issues for their one-dollar subscription. H^G. Wells at Chicago: While the Conference on Wells will be open to discussion of any aspect of Wells' career, it would seem especially worthwhile for us to concentrate on his work between about 1895 and about 1910, the period of his most "solid" literary novels, his novelistic novels. Perhaps, in preparation for the■discussions, we mi.-ht re-read KIPPS, MR. POLLY, LEWISHAM, TONO BUNGAY, and the essays, reviews and letters of that period. A re-examination of critical comments on Wells' work of this period might also be fruitful. I shall be happy to continue to receive requests for admission'to the Conference. Since the allowed limit of 35 members is rapidly being reached, will those who wish to attend write as soon as possible„ Day: Monday, December 28 Time: 9:15-10:30 AM Place: Room 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS George Moore and T, Fisher Unwin: I have been granted permission by the Chief of the Berg Collection and the authorities of the New York Public Library to edit GM's correspondence to T. Fisher Unwin and related documents. I have already located a large bulk of unpublished material that has bearing on Moore's "Unwin period," especially for the years I896 through about 1906, but I shall be grateful to hear of the location of any manuscript material concerning Moore and his publisher. Future EFTS : The first number of Volume III (i960), containing 18 previously unpublished letters by H.G. Wells, will, if all goes well, be in the mails before the Chicago meeting. Besides the Wells letters, it will also contain Mr. Robert Weeks' comments on Wells scholarship (first informally presented at our Conference in New York); a review of Professor Gordon Ray's English Institute Paper (Sept 1959) on Wells, and bibliographical information on various other EFT authors. In the making for the Summer, i960 issue of EFT is an annotated bibliography of writings about Rudyard Kipling, to be compiled and edited by Charles Green and Edward Lauterbach, We shall be happy to hear from all those who are interested in Kipling. A supplement to the George Moore bibliography will soon be in preparation—no publication date has been set. 1.',7ELLS AT CHIC AGO,.. WELLS AT CHICAGO.. .1'JELLS AT CHICAGO.. .VJELLS AT CHICAGO.. .WELLS AT ...

