In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

231 Goetsch's study consists of three parts. In the first three chapters he analyses the problem of mimesis in art as discussed by critics of the novel from I87O to 1914. Tn the second, and main, section he deals with the theory and practice of fiction in the writings of eleven leading novelists of the period: Hardy, Moore and Glssing, Pater and Wilde, Stevenson and Kipling, Wells, Bennett, Conrad, and James, In the last two chapters he summarizes the results regarding the position of this period between Vlctorlanlsm and the modern age, emphasising the changing concept of reality. It is Inevitable that not everything said In a study of this nature is new. The author sometimes has to lean rather heavily on previous research, but he integrates those findings into his own line of argument (James is a case in point). Also one might doubt whether the title is altogether fortunate. The author's well-considered emphasis on the more general problem of art and reality as well as on the detailed and precise discussions of individual novels (an excellent chapter on Conrad) make the reader wonder whether "Romankonzeptlon " is the term he would have used to describe all this. The editors of ELT really have every reason to congratulate themselves on having provided the author, by inviting him to contribute to their bibliographies, with the first germs of interest in his subject, which finally yielded this comprehensive and thorough study of an Important period In the history of the English novel. University of Hamburg Egon Tied je BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review In a future Issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Adams, Richard P. FAULKNER: MYTH AND MOTION. Princeton, NJ: Princeton up, 1968. $6.50. A. E. HOUSMAN A COLLECTION OF CRITICAL ESSAYS. Ed by Christopher Ricks. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, I968. Twentieth Century Views. A Spectrum Book. $4.95. Cockshut, A. 0. J. ANTHONY TROLLOPE A CRITICAL STUDY. Washington Square, NY: New York UP, I968. $6.95. Conrad, Joseph. THE ARROW OF GOLD. NY: W.W. Norton, I968. Paper $1.95. Conrad, Joseph. CHANCE. NY: W.W. Norton, I968. Paper $1.95. Conrad, Joseph. LORD JIM. An Authoritative Text Backgrounds and Sources Essays in Criticism. Ed by Thomas C. Moser. NY: W.W. Norton, 1968. Norton Critical Editions. $1.95. Conrad, Joseph. THE RESCUE. NY: W.W. Norton, 1968. Paper $1.95. Defoe, Daniel. ROBINSON CRUSOE. Ed by James Sutherland. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, I968. Riverside Editions, B104. $1.25. Defoe, Daniel. ROBINSON CRUSOE AND OTHER WRITINGS. Ed by James Sutherland. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, I968. Riverside Editions , BIO3. $1.75. EDITING NINETEENTH CENTURY TEXTS. Papers given at the Editorial Conference, University of Toronto, November I966. Ed by John M. Robson. Toronto: University of Toronto P, I967. $6.00 232 EDITING SIXTEENTH CENTURY TEXTS. Papers given at the Editorial Conference, University of Toronto, November I966. Ed by R.J. Schoeck. Toronto: University of Toronto P, I966, $5.00 GREAT SHORT WORKS OF AMERICAN REALISM. Ed with Intro by Wlllard Thorp. NY: Harper & Row, I968. Paper $1.95. A Perennial Classic P 3084. Hepburn, James. THE AUTHOR'S EMPTY PURSE & THE RISE OF THE LITERARY AGENT. Lond: Oxford UP, I968. $3.50. HOW WE LIVE CONTEMPORARY LIFE IN CONTEMPORARY FICTION, ed by Penney Chapin Hills and L. Rust Hills. NY: Macmillan, I968. $12.50. Jones, Howard Mumford, with the aid of Sue Bonner Walcutt. THE LITERATURE OF VIRGINIA IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 2nd ed. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, I968. $2.65. Paper. Keating, P.J. GISSING: NEW GRUB STREET. Lond: Edward Arnold, 1968. Studies in English Literature, 33. 10s. 6d. LANGUAGE & LITERATURE READER. Ed by William A. Heffernan and James P. Degnan. Beverly Hills, Calif: Glencoe P, I968. Paper. Lee, Vernon. THE HANDLING OF WORDS AND OTHER STUDIES IN LITERARY PSYCHOLOGY. Intro by Royal A. Gettmann. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska P, I968. A Bison Book. $2.25. Lester, John A. Jr. JOURNEY THROUGH DESPAIR 1880-1914 TRANSFORMATIONS IN BRITISH LITERARY CULTURE. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1968. $6.00. Marder, Herbert. FEMINISM & ART A STUDY OF VIRGINIA WOOLF. Chicago and Lond: University of Chicago P, I968. $6.50. MILTON'S EPIC...

