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  • Notes on Contributors

Sheramy Bundrick is associate professor of art history at the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg. She is the author of Music and Image in Classical Athens (Cambridge 2005) and articles on classical Greek iconography, including "The Fabric of the City: Imagining Textile Production in Classical Athens," Hesperia 77.2 (2008): 283–334. Her current research interests include domestic imagery in fifth-century Athenian vase painting. She has received grants from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the Fulbright Foundation, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Thomas E. Jenkins is associate professor of classical studies at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. He is the author of Intercepted Letters: Epistolarity and Narrative in Greek and Roman Literature (London 2006) as well as articles on a broad range of classical literature. His current research includes reception theory, especially contemporary American appropriations of classical texts.

William R. Jones is assistant professor of English at Murray State University. He is currently completing an article on Shakespeare biography that will appear in 2009 in The Huntington Library Quarterly. His other forthcoming works include an article on the dialogue between the appropriation of Horace in the English Renaissance and the effort to eradicate satire in 1599, and a new entry for "Satire" in the new edition of The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics.

James Jope is an independent scholar. After teaching classics for several years, he became a multilingual translator for the Canadian government. He is now retired and occasionally teaches pro bono. He has written numerous articles on Lucretius and Epicureanism, ancient sexuality, Strato, Lucian, Aristotle, and botanical Latin, as well as Latin American idioms and translation. He can be contacted at his website [End Page 97]

Robert Rabel is John R. Gaines Professor of Humanities and professor of classics at the University of Kentucky. He is author of Plot and Point of View in the Iliad (Ann Arbor 1996) and editor of Approaches to Homer, Ancient and Modern (Swansea 2006). He has also published numerous articles on Homer, Greek history, Greek tragedy, ancient philosophy, Vergil, and various aspects of the classical tradition. He is currently writing a book entitled The Muses in America: Maxwell Anderson and the Classical World. [End Page 98]


